super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1513 Not an Orphan 1

"What are you talking about? Sister Hui is also doing this for your own good! How can you treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain like you? What conditions do you really think I want to tell you?" Song Zihan quickly spat and helped Zhuo Wenhui explained.

Zhuo Yifan blushed, and looked at Zhuo Wenhui in disbelief!Song Zihan's sentence of sister Hui made Zhuo Yifan's previous bold idea come to his mind again.When he was in Fengdu, Zhuo Yifan had a feeling that Zhuo Wenhui was really his sister!That is the closest feeling between relatives!Zhuo Wenhui is also surnamed Zhuo, so is she really from the Zhuo family?In other words, is she really her cousin or something?Or, it's her own sister with the same father and mother!

Once this kind of idea was born, it quickly occupied a place in Zhuo Yifan's brain!If this conjecture is true, it can explain the good thing about the pie in the sky!My own sister, can't I cover myself?

"Eh... really no conditions?" Zhuo Yifan asked tentatively.

Zhuo Wenhui looked at Zhuo Yifan's suspicious appearance, restrained her smile, and said solemnly: "There must be conditions! We will not let someone be the deputy director of the intelligence office for no reason! Although It's just an idle job, but it's also a member of my intelligence bureau, isn't it? But the restrictions on you are relatively loose!"

Zhuo Yifan felt a faint sense of loss in his heart.If Zhuo Wenhui really didn't mention the conditions, then her guess might be true!At this moment, he really wanted Zhuo Wenhui to admit that she was his sister!Unfortunately, as soon as Zhuo Wenhui said it, she said it was conditional!This made Zhuo Yifan turn his suspicious eyes to Song Zihan.That means...why is there a discrepancy with what you said?

Song Zihan was also taken aback, looking at Zhuo Wenhui with some doubts, wondering why she would say this?

"Then tell me! What are the conditions? As long as I can do it! But don't make me feel bored, otherwise, I would rather not be the deputy director of the intelligence office!" Zhuo Yifan said with a faint feeling The threat made the atmosphere in the box suddenly become awkward.Song Zihan was anxious, but there was nothing he could do!She didn't know what happened to the siblings!A good conversation, how did it develop in the direction of the collapse of the conversation?

Zhuo Wenhui's expression also gradually returned to the original coldness, and she said lightly: "Don't worry about this! I won't bore you! Usually you still go to your school, manage your hero club, and start your company! It's nothing We won't look for you for special things! But one thing... If we need you occasionally, I hope you can help us complete some special or difficult intelligence tasks without hesitation!"

Zhuo Wenhui said this very politely, it's not that she deliberately made things difficult for her younger brother.In fact, as long as you enter the intelligence bureau, you can't do nothing and just put it there like a vase!This can be regarded as business affairs!

Song Zihan was obviously relieved after hearing this condition.In her opinion, Zhuo Wenhui's condition was the same as not mentioned!As a member of the Intelligence Bureau, you must always do something for the Intelligence Bureau!This is indisputable!

Zhuo Yifan also nodded in satisfaction.This condition is similar to that of Guoan!Basically, I don’t need him to take care of things, as long as I encounter some special situations, I can help out myself!In this way, I can have one more life-saving talisman, so why not do it?

"Thank you, Director Zhuo! Now I'm also your soldier?" A smile flashed across Zhuo Yifan's face, and his tone softened.

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