super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1515 Not an Orphan 3

"Are you planning to keep it from me, too?" Zhuo Yifan stared at Song Zihan's eyes and asked with a frown.

Song Zihan also didn't know what to say.Looking at Zhuo Wenhui, the words that came to his lips still couldn't be said directly!She didn't know what the consequences would be if she spoke out!In other words, Zhuo Yifan didn't care about his concealment, and at the same time expressed understanding for Zhuo Wenhui's concealment, and then the siblings recognized each other with snot and tears!This is the best ending!Similarly, Zhuo Yifan may not be able to bear this kind of deception, maybe he will understand Zhuo Wenhui, but what about himself?She is his woman, but she concealed such an important matter, wouldn't he blame herself?In addition to being nervous, I am afraid!What she really didn't want to see was the second result!

"Okay! Don't embarrass Zihan! She didn't know about all this at the beginning. She only knew about it after you went to Fengdu! And...and she didn't want to say it because of me! Blame me if you want Alright! Don't bring your grievances to Zi Han!" Zhuo Wenhui couldn't help but speak at this moment!No matter how you say it, Song Zihan chose to hide everything because of herself!But how could I see a crisis of trust between her and Zhuo Yifan?

Zhuo Yifan's face brightened with a hint of affirmation, and at the same time he asked a little excitedly: "What do you mean by that? You are really my sister, right? Are you my real sister? Are you really my real sister?"

Zhuo Yifan's face changed instantly, and he turned to a joyful look, which made the two women feel a little confused about the situation!When he questioned the two of them before, the look in his eyes clearly contained a trace of resentment, why is it all gone now?

Zhuo Yifan also admitted that he did admit with a trace of resentment before!Having been kept in the dark for so long, it is certain that I feel uncomfortable!If Zhuo Wenhui was really her own sister, she would have lied to her for 20 years. Shouldn't she be resentful?But no matter how much dissatisfaction there is in his heart, Zhuo Yifan knows that all this is to better hide his identity!Under this premise, the joy of being able to meet and recognize a close relative still completely covered up the trace of resentment!

Looking at Zhuo Yifan who was at a loss, he was as excited as a child, Zhuo Wenhui didn't know what to say!My brain couldn't turn around for a while, and there was a brief blank for a moment!She didn't expect her own brother to be so happy and jumping for joy when they recognized each other, and she couldn't even see a trace of blame for herself!

Seeing that Zhuo Wenhui didn't speak, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help putting his arms around Zhuo Wenhui's shoulders, and asked again: "Are you really my sister? Answer me!"

Zhuo Wenhui felt that Zhuo Yifan's powerful hands were shaking her body, and then she came to her senses!

"I...I am your older sister! My dear sister! You are my own younger brother whom I haven't seen in 20 years!" Zhuo Wenhui said bitterly what was buried in her heart, and at the same time two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks down.The originally cold beauty also shed tears because she finally recognized her younger brother!It's not that she couldn't bear it, but she couldn't bear it!

" are really my sister? That's great! Let me just say, my feeling is unmistakable! Hahaha! You are really my sister! I have a sister! So I have another sister!" Zhuo Yifan He hugged Zhuo Wenhui's delicate body tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away if he let go, as he spoke, tears flowed from his eyes.

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