super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1537 Poor Fly 2

This guess is probably only Song Yingjie can come up with!If Zhuo Yifan knew what he was thinking, he would have thrown Song Yingjie down the stairs in the next second!

"Are you kidding me, brother?" Song Yingjie asked with a wry smile.

"Do I have to lie to you? If you don't believe me, you can ask Zihan! She knows better than you! The reason why Long Xiangtian came to Beijing this time is for me! Between me and him, there is destined to be Enemies, there will never be reconciliation! You can rest assured about this!" Zhuo Yifan patted Song Yingjie's shoulder and said in a helpless tone.

"I still don't understand, why? You and Long Xiangtian have never met!" Song Yingjie still couldn't believe it.

"Is it necessary to meet each other to have enmity? As I said, this is not his enmity alone, but the entire Long family! In fact, it is not enmity, it should be regarded as a thorn in the side! If there is enmity, it is me and them. Enmity. What the Long family owes me is enough for me to wipe them out! I have been an orphan for more than 20 years, do you know what all this is for? It is because the Long family stared at me at the beginning! Maybe you can’t think that I am not an orphan, right? There are parents, there is a sister, do you know that Zhuo Wenhui over there? She is my sister! It was because of the pressure from the Long family 20 years ago that the Zhuo family had to hand me over to Hua Yun of Huajianmen! Now Do you know what is the deep hatred between me and the Long family?" Zhuo Yifan's eyes burst into anger, and his voice became colder as he spoke.Song Yingjie who was standing next to him couldn't help shivering!Those who were a little closer to him could not help but turn their heads and look at Zhuo Yifan.They felt something strange here, as if a big ice cube had appeared, which made people feel chilly!

Zhuo Yifan's words shocked Song Yingjie!He didn't expect that Zhuo Yifan was not the orphan that Hua Yun said, and he didn't expect that the reason why Zhuo Yifan had been living in Huajianmen for 20 years was entirely caused by the Long family secretly! 20 years ago, the Long family wanted to attack Zhuo Yifan?He was just a doll then?Not to mention deep hatred, Song Yingjie never thought of a reason why the Long family would want to kill a little baby!

But one thing, Song Yingjie has already confirmed it!Zhuo Yifan and Long Xiangtian are indeed enemies, and they are still the kind that can't be solved at all!Why did my good sister fall for such a man?Don't talk about it, and the opponent is even stronger than the other!

Zhuo Yifan slowly calmed down.It was only then that he realized that the anger he had inadvertently ignited had attracted the attention of others, and he couldn't help but restrain his momentum immediately, glanced at Song Yingjie who was still in shock, shook his head with a wry smile, and prepared to leave!

"Wait!" Seeing that Zhuo Yifan was about to leave, Song Yingjie recovered from the shock, quickly grabbed Zhuo Yifan's arm, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, " No matter what grievances you have with the Long family, if you must be enemies, then I will definitely stand by your side! If you need a brother, just speak up! I don’t know the truth, and I won’t say too many polite words! I I only know that you are my brother-in-law. The old man told me since I was a child that the most important thing to be a man is backbone! I will not frown just because your opponent is Long Xiangtian!"

Zhuo Yifan turned his head and looked at Song Yingjie indifferently.This time there was a smile in his eyes.Zhuo Yifan had to admit now that Song Yingjie really moved him!This is brother!

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