super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1550 Long Xiangtian's Conspiracy 2

"This agreement is equally valid for the Vajra Sect, and even for the Tantric sects on the border of Tibet! If there is no check and balance of this treaty, wouldn't the masters of the God Transformation Realm unscrupulously get rid of all the scourges for their followers? Grandpa The reason why he didn't kill Tang Tianfeng and Dabian was not because he couldn't do it, but because he was restricted by the agreement." Xia Yun explained from the side.

"So even if Huo Qiling wanted to avenge Long Si, he wouldn't dare to come to me? Then why did Long Xiangtian say that?" Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise.

"It's very simple! You are a member of the Zhuo family. This fact has not been made public! Long Xiangtian already knows it, but Huo Qiling doesn't know it! You are no longer considered a member of the secular world, but a member of the four major families! If Huo Qiling knows this news and wants to kill you again, he will not be bound by the contract!" Zhuo Wenhui explained again.

So it is!Zhuo Yifan Ma Shan understood.In fact, knowing the nature of the contract, Zhuo Yifan can figure it out in a while!This Long Xiangtian's calculations are crackling!If you put it this way, Long Xiangtian's threat of killing people for life is really not groundless!Things that could have been kept from Huo Qiling temporarily can be revealed by him at any time!In this way, he will be deeply hunted by Huo Qiling!

"You don't have to worry too much! In fact, Huo Qiling doesn't really dare to take action against you. If he knows that you are from the Zhuo family, although he is no longer restricted by the agreement, there is another Zhuo family behind you! Is the eldest grandson of the third generation of the family so easy to kill? If he doesn't want to die, he has to weigh his own strength!" Seeing Zhuo Yifan frowning and thinking, Zhuo Wenhui couldn't help comforting him softly.

"I know this! But if he unites with the Long family, the situation will be different! This is the real reason why Long Xiangtian threatened me just now!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head with a wry smile and sighed.

Long Si's death was indeed caused by himself!Now it has become a heart disease for me!If Huo Qiling really formed a cooperation with the Long family because of Long Si's death, it would definitely not be a good thing for him!

"I remember that Esoteric Buddhism has a good relationship with your master? Since Huo Qiling's Vajra Sect is a branch of Esoteric Buddhism, it should be a way to use Esoteric Buddhism to check and balance Huo Qiling!" Song Zihan also reminded at this time.

Zhuo Yifan glanced at Song Zihan in surprise, he almost forgot the relationship between Hua Yun and those two old monks!I remember that there seems to be some connection between Hua Yun and the suzerain of the Tantric sect. Through the Tantric sect, Huo Qiling should be restrained, right?

"I got it! Don't worry! There's nothing going on right now! Since Long Xiangtian is a threat, he will definitely raise it under certain conditions! Didn't he ask me to drink after the party? Then I'll go and see him What kind of tricks are you playing!" Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly and said disapprovingly.

"Are you really determined to accept Long Xiangtian's invitation?" Xia Yun asked with some concern.The other two women couldn't help but frowned.

"It's no big deal to go! Long Xiangtian hasn't touched my ability now! If he can get rid of me tonight, he won't threaten me with Huo Qiling's affairs!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled explained.

Even so, the three women were still worried about Zhuo Yifan going to drink with Long Xiangtian.

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