super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1574: Being Hijacked 2

10 o'clock in the evening, the whole time of the day, is the busiest time for Leng Feng's mobile phone.During this time, all the Huajianmen disciples who were scattered to protect Zhuo Yifan's various women would report to Leng Feng on time.Under normal circumstances, all the girls at this point have basically returned to the villa.Therefore, most of Huajianmen's bodyguards will also gather near Zhuo Yifan's villa and take turns to monitor and protect them.

Leng Feng felt a little uneasy, not because of anything else, but because the disciple of Huajianmen who was in charge of protecting Song Zihan did not call him within the stipulated time!Under normal circumstances, this point is the unshakable reporting time.If anyone has not returned to the villa during this time period, Leng Feng will naturally pay attention.After all, it was night, and girls were vulnerable outside, especially Zhuo Yifan's woman.Who made Zhuo Yifan have too many enemies?So cold fronts are very sensitive to these conditions.

Since those bodyguards didn't call, Leng Feng had no choice but to call to inquire about the situation!Unexpectedly, I called the cell phones of all the bodyguards protecting Song Zixin in succession, but no one answered his calls.A bad premonition gushed out of Leng Feng's heart like spring water.

Leng Feng immediately called Liu Meng and asked if Song Zihan had returned to the villa.In the end, the answer I got was that Song Zixin seemed to have accompanied her two girlfriends to Dynasty Nightclub tonight, and she hasn't come back yet!

Dynasty Nightclub is now a venue under the Hero Club, it can be said that it is a relatively safe place, and all the people in it are Zhuo Yifan's people!But now that he has lost contact with those bodyguards, Leng Feng's heart can't help but rise to his throat.

After learning about the situation, Liu Meng called Song Zihan's cell phone again, but it was already turned off!Immediately Liu Meng knew that something must have happened to Song Zihan!On the other side, Leng Feng hurriedly drove to Dynasty Nightclub.He wants to find out the specific situation!After all, Song Zihan was talking about going to the nightclub at night!

In the car, Leng Feng dialed Zhuo Yifan's cell phone number.But what made him depressed and even more uneasy was that Zhuo Yifan's cell phone couldn't get through at all.Either it cannot be connected, or it is not in the service area!He secretly scolded his mother, he knew that Zhuo Yifan had attended Long Xiangtian's party tonight, so he quickly called Song Zihan and told him about the situation!

Song Zihan slept with Zhuo Wenhui and Xia Yun in his temporary apartment tonight.The three women were worried about Zhuo Yifan, so naturally they didn't sleep, but waited for the news of Zhuo Yifan's return.It's a pity that before Zhuo Yifan came back, Song Zihan heard that his sister had disappeared.And Zhuo Yifan's cell phone would not work.Zhuo Wenhui immediately suspected Long Xiangtian, she remembered what Ding Ye said at night, and immediately became more worried about Zhuo Yifan's safety.

"Let's go to Yifan first, you go to Zixin!" Zhuo Wenhui quickly put on her clothes, and asked Song Zihan to join Leng Feng first.

Song Zihan was naturally very anxious when his sister disappeared, but Leng Feng had already gone, and Zhuo Yifan couldn't be contacted.She knew that if she wanted to save Song Zixin, she still needed to find Zhuo Yifan first.So he shook his head and said, "I'll go find Yifan with you!"

The three women hurriedly got dressed without too much delay, and rushed towards the Capital Hotel.

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