super unscrupulous student

Chapter 1581 The Strange Girl 1

"I can let you go first! But the one inside, I can't do it! You go! But I will look for you in a while!" Bai Hua finished with a light smile, turned over and jumped directly from the window sill. Go downstairs.

Long Yi looked at the empty window sill in a daze, if not for the reminder from the cold sweat all over his body, he would have thought that everything just now was just an illusory dream.Now it seems that is not the case at all!That girl actually said to let herself go, and she will come to find herself in a few days?What exactly does that mean?Long Yi was suspicious in his heart, but he knew that he had found a small life, and it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he didn't delay any longer, and quickly disappeared in place.

Meanwhile, Wang Xuanye, who was in the room, was currently laying Song Zixin's entire delicate body on a soft big bed.The greedy desire in the eyes was instantly ignited by Song Zixin's hot and exquisite figure and face!

When he remembered that the woman in front of him was Zhuo Yifan's fiancée, the lust in Wang Xuanye's eyes became even stronger, and there was also a trace of excitement and anger!Zhuo Yifan, Zhuo Yifan, I'm going to fuck your fiancee today, let's see what you can do to me?

Wang Xuanye sneered in his heart, and threw himself on the bed with an almost frantic expression. Looking at Song Zixin who was still in a coma, he felt that playing like this was not at all interesting, so he had an idea, and took out the rope he had prepared from the bedside, First tied up Song Zixin's hands, then took a glass of cold water from the bathroom, and poured it on Song Zixin's pretty face.

Song Zixin, whose cheeks felt cool for a while, immediately recovered a bit of intuition, but felt sore and weak all over, and his eyelids were abnormally heavy.In the dimness, she heard a series of heavy breathing, and it became more and more hurried.

Seeing that Song Zixin had slowly come to life, Wang Xuanye couldn't help but a gleam of excitement flashed in his eyes. He stared at Song Zixin's delicate cheeks, and said with an evil smile, "Little beauty, you are the little princess of the Song family?"

Song Zixin had just woken up, but she was still in a daze.She felt that her hands seemed to be bound, and then she heard a strange man's **** calling from her ear, she couldn't help but shuddered all over, and immediately woke up.A pair of beautiful eyes are wide open, and they can clearly see the scene in the whole room.

Wang Xuanye had long covered his face with a black towel, and prepared a handkerchief in his hand.The moment Song Zixin was about to scream, he covered Song Zixin's mouth, and then forcefully stuffed the handkerchief into Song Zixin's small mouth.

Song Zixin looked at the man with a lewd smile in front of her in horror, but she couldn't see his appearance clearly, she was afraid and worried in her heart!She immediately remembered everything that had happened before, and realized that she was kidnapped by a prostitute, and her heart sank to the bottom involuntarily.

At this time, Song Zixin was terrified and helpless, struggling desperately to prop up her body.But his hands had already been tied up with ropes, and they were tied behind his back, so it couldn't exert any effect at all at this moment!She could only kick her legs randomly in the air, even the pair of high heels she was wearing on her showy feet were kicked off by her.

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