super unscrupulous student

Chapter 171 A Coincidental Encounter on the Street 1

"I understand, Master Ouyang! Within three days, I will definitely get rid of that kid and send Xia Xiaoyu to your master!" Yu Zhaogan immediately promised Ouyang Xinyan.

"Don't worry! Do things well for me! I won't treat you badly! I know that the old man took you out of the flour business and you are very unwilling. I promise it's yours or yours, and I won't run away!" Ouyang Xinyan also expressed his attitude at the time.

Yu Zhaoqian immediately thanked him repeatedly after hearing the words, and then called a few of his men to discuss how to deal with Zhuo Yifan and Xia Xiaoyu.

Zhuo Yifan had already had dinner with Song Yingjie and Song Zihan at this time, and they were driving on their way home.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and there were not many cars on the road. Although Zhuo Yifan drank some wine, he didn't care.As long as it wasn't extremely unlucky to be caught by the traffic police, there would be no problem.

The car drove a two-way four-lane fork road, and suddenly it seemed congested. Zhuo Yifan couldn't help complaining that there would be a traffic jam at night.

After finally squeezing to the front slowly, I realized that two cars had collided with each other.

There is no separation zone in the middle of this road, only a separation line is drawn, but if two cars driving opposite each other can hit each other exactly, then one of them must have violated the rules and drove in the opposite direction.Probably another drunk driving?Zhuo Yifan thought depressedly.

The car finally squeezed through a lane on one side, but Zhuo Yifan could clearly see the two cars that caused the accident.A black Audi A4 and a blue Porsche.

A large piece of the Audi's front was damaged, and the bumper fell off to the ground.It's not a big deal for Porsche.Just a little scratched paint on the front.

Apparently the Audi drove in the reverse direction and hit the Porsche on the head, surrounded by a bunch of onlookers and a few traffic policemen.Zhuo Yifan didn't care too much.Just thinking about it, I drove the car away.But he accidentally saw a pretty face that seemed familiar.

A drunken alcoholic young man, probably in his early twenties, was standing next to the Audi car and yelling at a young girl who came out of the Porsche.

The surrounding traffic police obviously sided with the youth, because they all saw a city hall pass sign on the Audi car!Although the young girl drives a high-end sports car, but the city government has the power, and it doesn't work if you have money.

Since ancient times, it has been said that merchants do not compete with officials, and wealth cannot compete with power.

This society is not only rich, but also powerful!

The attitude of these traffic policemen is a good illustration of this statement.In front of so many onlookers, the traffic police turned a blind eye to the drunk driving of the Audi owner who caused the accident. reconciliation.

The young man was obviously drunk. While shouting that he was the son of the deputy mayor Chen Mo, he pushed and shoved the young and beautiful Porsche girl, and even wanted to take advantage of her.

A few traffic policemen were obviously taken aback by the name given by the young man, so they ignored the girl's loss and just persuaded the young man from the sidelines.The girl looks helpless.After being pushed and shoved by the young man, he sprained his foot and fell to the ground.

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