Zhuo Yifan nodded with a smile.

After bidding farewell to Xia Yun, Zhuo Yifan drove to the Armed Police Headquarters.But now it's 10:30pm.Looking at the gloomy lights of the inpatient building, Zhuo Yifan frowned.I didn't expect that the time for visiting patients had passed, and it seemed a bit late to come here at this time.

But it's all here, Zhuo Yifan still took out his cell phone and called Wen Xin.

"Hello! Xiaofan?" After the phone rang twice, the other end was connected immediately.Wen Xin's voice came from the phone, with a faint joy, Zhuo Yifan heard it naturally.

"Sister Wen! Are you asleep?" Zhuo Yifan agreed, and then asked aloud.

"Not yet! My mother just fell asleep! Are you done with your work?" Wen Xin asked with concern.

"Well! My affairs have been dealt with! I'm just a little embarrassed. I promised you to come and see my aunt's condition early, but now it's past the visiting time! Since my aunt has gone to bed, I won't Go up! You should rest early too!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Have you come to the hospital?" Wen Xin asked with some surprise.

It was only then that Zhuo Yifan realized that he had missed the group. He originally wanted to let Wen Xin and her daughter have a good rest, so he just went back and forgot, but he didn't expect Wen Xin to find out.

"Well! I'm in the parking lot at the entrance of the hospital!" Zhuo Yifan agreed with some helplessness.

"Then are you coming up?" Wen Xin asked tentatively, with a hint of expectation in her words.

"Forget it! It's too late, I'll disturb my aunt's rest if I go up! And it's past the visiting time, the nurses in the hospital probably won't allow me to go to the ward! You'd better go to bed early, I'll come to see you and auntie tomorrow !” Zhuo Yifan said with a wry smile.

"You... can you not leave now? How about I come down to find you! Let's talk for a while!" Wen Xin was silent for a while, then asked suddenly.Her voice was very soft, and there were flickers between her words, which made Zhuo Yifan instantly aware of the fluctuations in her heart.

"Okay! I'll wait for you in the car!" Zhuo Yifan sighed in his heart, and said helplessly.

Zhuo Yifan hung up the phone, then took out a pack of unpacked cigarettes from the storage box of the car, took out one and lit it, then opened the car window, stuck half of his head out of the window, and watched In the dark night, one side began to swallow clouds and fog.

"Why do you smoke too?" Not long after, Wen Xin appeared in front of Zhuo Yifan's car.Seeing Zhuo Yifan with a cigarette butt in his hand, Wen Xin asked in surprise.It was the first time he saw Zhuo Yifan smoking.

"Seldom smoke!" Zhuo Yifan snuffed out the butt of the cigarette, flicked it, and it fell into the trash can on the other side of the road!Zhuo Yifan believed that few people could catch up with his trash throwing skills.

Wen Xin nodded thoughtfully, then asked with a smile, "Shall we sit in the car and talk, or should you get out of the car and let's walk here?"

"Let's get in the car and chat! It's cooler outside," Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.In the capital city at the end of October, the night was getting colder. Zhuo Yifan saw that Wenxin was only wearing a white shirt and a small black suit jacket, and worried that she would catch a cold.

Wen Xin nodded, warming her heart for Zhuo Yifan's carefulness.Walking to the other side of the car, Wen Xin opened the co-pilot's door and sat in directly.

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