super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2 Beauty and Master

When the wine bottle was broken, the migrant worker yelped in pain and almost lost his standing. Then he stepped back quickly and shouted, "Don't move! Don't move! If you move again, I'll shoot!"

At this time, he didn't care about the bleeding on his head, he just kept threatening.

"Hillbilly, I don't care what you do, get out of the car quickly, or the police will arrest you." The man in the suit said sullenly, the contempt on his face insulted the dignity of the migrant worker man.

"Crack!" There was a crisp gunshot, accompanied by the deep breathing of the migrant worker, and bursts of green smoke rose from the clean seat cover. , but let the passengers know that this is not a joke, nor is it a toy gun.

After a while, there was a scream in the car.Many passengers tried to run to other compartments in vain, and the flight attendants also noticed the change here and leaned over here.Several calm passengers also prepared to call the police.

The passengers were gradually forced to sit down, and the male migrant workers ran to both sides to lock the doors.Prepare to learn from the robbery in TV and use your own hat to collect money one by one.

"Listen, people inside, put down the gun in your hand, put your hands on your head, and come out facing forward. Don't try in vain..." Several police officers surrounded the doors on both sides of the car, shouting loudly to the inside .

The migrant worker man was almost crazy, he couldn't hear anything at all, he only knew that he was frantically collecting the cash from the passengers in the carriage.

The door was about to be smashed down.Suddenly he closed his eyes and fired three shots at the door on the left frantically, the glass shattered, and the marshal lay down on the ground to avoid the missed bullets.But he was so scared that he didn't expect this guy to really dare to do it.

Seeing that the man who missed the shot was panicked again, he looked left and right, suddenly pulled up the beautiful woman opposite Zhuo Yifan, and pressed his gun tightly to her forehead.The beauty was so scared that she screamed.

"Don't come here, I'll shoot you if you come here again, I was forced, I'm really short of money..." The migrant worker's legs kept shaking, his hands also began to tremble, he dragged the beauty back hard, and soon Backed away to the window.

Zhuo Yifan finally put away his broken martial arts cheat book and walked straight towards the migrant worker.

At this time, the people who laughed at him before seemed incomprehensible. Could this guy really be some kind of martial arts master?

Seeing someone approaching him, the migrant worker subconsciously wanted to back away, but there was no way behind him, only the open car windows and the whistling wind.

"Don't come over, I'll shoot if you come over again!"

The migrant worker hurriedly said again, but Zhuo Yifan didn't stop.

When Zhuo Yifan took two steps closer, the migrant worker finally couldn't bear it anymore, roared angrily, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet was shot through the air, but there was a crisp sound of a hard object colliding. Looking ahead, Zhuo Yifan's figure disappeared strangely.


Suddenly, a strange cry was heard from the migrant worker, and the gun in his hand flew out for no reason, and fell under a side car seat, and it was already shattered and disintegrated.

At this time, everyone saw Zhuo Yifan jumping onto the roof of the carriage at some point, holding on to the high platform where the luggage was placed, bowing his body like a monkey.

The migrant worker's gun must have been blown away by him, but no one saw how he shot it, and everyone fell into a state of shock.

The beauty was also considered clever, taking advantage of this time, she hurriedly broke free from the laborer's restraint, and fled to the side.

At this moment, the male migrant worker's expression changed in surprise, he looked around at a loss, and suddenly yelled strangely: "I...I'm dead!"

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