super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2048 See also Super Soldier 2

"It's okay! Answer my question just now!" Zhuo Yifan said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"There are four gates on the construction site. One of them leads to the back mountain, which is the direction of the Dongjiao Reservoir. The gate over there is useless, so it is usually closed! The other three gates are also monitored. After calling Mr. Xia just now, I also went to the monitoring room to watch the videos of the three gates. As a result, I didn't find that Miss Liu and the female worker went out through these three gates. Logically speaking, they should still be in the construction site. Yes, but we searched all the places where people could hide in the construction site, but we still couldn't find the two of them. I really don't know where they went!" The middle-aged man explained a little depressed.

Zhuo Yifan turned his head to look at the surrounding walls around the construction site, and found that the height was only less than two meters.It is not difficult for a person with an average height between 1.6 meters and 1.8 meters to turn over.What's more, the person who can kidnap Liu Meng must be very skilled. It is too easy to pass through the wall here!

"They probably didn't go out through the gate!" Zhuo Yifan said bluntly.

"What?" The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, looking at Zhuo Yifan with some surprise, but he still didn't understand what it meant.

"These walls can't stop people at all!" Xia Yun added from the side.

The middle-aged man understood immediately, and then he became even more surprised.What are these two women doing when they climb over the wall?Is there something wrong with your head?

"Go in and have a look!" Zhuo Yifan didn't say much, and walked directly into the construction site.

Xia Yun's three daughters naturally followed behind him, and the middle-aged man was the only one left who couldn't turn the corner.Knowing that the four of them had entered the construction site, they turned around and followed immediately.

After Zhuo Yifan entered the construction site, he began to look carefully along the outer wall of the construction site.Mainly to check the traces on the wall and the ground!

After walking along a fence for no less than ten meters, Zhuo Yifan stopped abruptly.Everyone also stopped and cast curious glances at him.

Zhuo Yifan stared at the somewhat messy shoe prints under his feet, because it was a trial construction site, although the ground was concrete, he could still clearly see the dirt marks and the depth of dust left by someone's footprints .Moreover, the shoe print is so big that it doesn't look like it was caused by ordinary people's shoes stepping on it.Zhuo Yifan instinctively thought of those unusually tall foreigners!

Looking up at the top of the wall, he found a few clear palm prints on the cement wall, and suddenly showed a sneer of deep approval, and said lightly: "They came out from here!"

The three women looked at the shoe prints on the ground, and then at the traces left on the wall, and they had a general understanding in their hearts.But the middle-aged man still looked puzzled.He also saw shoe prints and hand prints on the wall, but they didn't look like women's!Why did Zhuo Yifan say that Liu Meng and the female employee went out from here?

Before the middle-aged man came back to his senses, Zhuo Yifan jumped over the wall and jumped out of the fence.This really frightened the middle-aged man, his eyes widened and he stared dumbfounded at Zhuo Yifan disappearing into the wall, without saying a word for a long time.

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