super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2174 Zhuo Family’s Strength 13

Song Yingjie and Luo Ming saw clearly after the Audi drove close and stopped.Where are five people in this car?Just a man driving, and a beautiful woman in the co-pilot.Just these two people, are they big shots?Song Yingjie knew the woman in the passenger seat, wasn't she Zhuo Yifan's sister Zhuo Wenhui?Who is that man?

"Sister! You are finally here! When will that one arrive?" Zhuo Yifan saw Zhuo Wenhui get off the car first, and asked with a smile.

"Sister Zhuo!" Song Yingjie greeted Zhuo Wenhui very politely.

"I've kept you waiting for so long!" Zhuo Wenhui said with some embarrassment.

Luo Ming had never met Zhuo Wenhui, but seeing that both of them were called sister Zhuo Wenhui, he asked with some doubts, "Who is this lady?"

"You are Mayor Luo, right? I am Zhuo Wenhui! Yifan's sister! I belong to the Ministry of National Defense Intelligence Agency! It is inconvenient to disclose the details!" Zhuo Wenhui introduced herself to Luo Ming with a smile.

"So it's Xiaofan's sister! That's my own!" Luo Ming's face suddenly flashed, and then he cast a curious look at Zhuo Yifan, as if asking where the big man was. Where.Naturally, the person driving the car would not be a big shot, otherwise would he be able to be a driver?

But Zhuo Yifan didn't see Luo Ming's gaze, but instead focused on the man who just got out of the car.This man was one size bigger than himself in height and shape, and he was wearing a standard military uniform. It was only when he got out of the car that he could see his rank clearly. He was a major general!It looks like he is only 30 years old at most, but he is actually a major general!

Luo Ming and Song Yingjie even stared straight at their own eyes!They tried their best to figure it out, but who was this man in the uniform of a major general in front of them?Such a young major general is not to say that there are no such young generals in China, but they are also rare.If one or two come out, they can be regarded as celebrities in the whole army, but they have never seen or heard of this one in front of them!

"Xiao Fan!" The man walked up to Zhuo Yifan, stretched out his hand, and shouted with a smile.

"Is this my brother-in-law?" Zhuo Yifan glanced at Zhuo Wenhui first, then reached out to hold the man's generous hand, and asked with a smile.

"Hehe! Did you know that I was coming?" the man laughed and asked back.

In fact, Zhuo Yifan didn't know that Zhuo Wenhui would bring her brother-in-law, whom she had never met, here today.Zhuo Yifan hadn't turned the corner when he first saw a man in the car.But this man's aura that was almost similar to his own made Zhuo Yifan's heart tremble.A congenital peak master!

No need for introduction, the answer in Zhuo Yifan's heart is ready to come out!If this man is not her brother-in-law, who could it be?Such a young major general in Huaxia is indeed worthy of his sister!

"I guessed it too!" Zhuo Yifan smiled embarrassedly.

Zhuo Wenhui rolled her eyes at the side, and said angrily: "You also rely on guessing? If you guess wrong, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Zhuo Yifan blushed, and was inevitably a little embarrassed to be reprimanded by his sister.

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! If you guess wrong, you guess wrong! Anyway, I don't care! But look at my brother-in-law and me, are you really not good enough for your sister?" The man laughed heartily with disapproval.

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