"Where do you want to go?" At this time, Zhuo Yifan flashed out from behind the cliff not far away, looked at Yu Zhaoqian and ten others with a smile on his face and said, "Since you are here, don't go away." It's gone!"

"Who are you?" Yu Zhaoqian asked angrily as he couldn't see Zhuo Yifan's appearance clearly in the night.

"Didn't you always want to find me? Why don't you know who I am?" Zhuo Yifan laughed.

"You are... Zhuo Yifan?" Yu Zhaoqian asked uncertainly.

"Smart! I advise you to obediently put down the weapons in your hands, lest we do it!" Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

"You're dreaming!" Yu Zhaoqian raised his MP5 and pointed at Zhuo Yifan.

But before he pulled the trigger, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist.Immediately afterwards, he saw that his wrist had been shot through by a bullet.Blood was bubbling out of his buttocks.Yu Zhaogan suddenly turned pale with shock.

"My snipers are already ambushing around! Who of you dare to move around, be careful your head will be shot through!" Zhuo Yifan laughed triumphantly.

Zhuo Yifan was looking at the ten people trapped together in the small building and nodded.Under the deterrence of sniper rifles, this group of people chose to hand in their guns and surrender.No one really dared to gamble with his own life, the hope was too slim.

"I didn't expect that I just took care of your younger brother yesterday, and today you fell into my hands again! It's really interesting!" Zhuo Yifan said with a look of triumphant villain, dangling in front of Yu Zhaogan.

Just as Yu Zhaoqian was about to speak, the cell phone in his pocket rang.Yu Zhaoqian used his toes to figure out that it was Chen Mo who called.I thought this was going to be a bad thing.

He wanted to struggle, but his hand was injured, and he was still tied up, how could he be able to struggle.He could only watch Zhuo Yifan take the phone from his pocket.

"Chen Mo? Who did I say? It turned out to be Deputy Mayor Chen!" Zhuo Yifan smiled as he looked at the caller ID on his phone.Yu Zhaoqian was sweating coldly.

Zhuo Yifan pressed the answer button after walking outside the building.

"Yu Zhaogan, what are you doing? It took so long to answer the phone? Have you withdrawn yet? We're going to arrive soon! If we don't leave, we'll die together!" Chen Mo almost growled on the other end of the phone.

"Vice Mayor Chen! I'm sorry to hear your voice!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Who are you? Where is Yu Zhaoqian? How is he?" Chen Mo was obviously taken aback when he heard Zhuo Yifan's voice, then asked nervously, and even roared for Yu Zhaogan's news.

"Don't be nervous, Deputy Mayor Chen! Yu Zhaogan is fine! At least he won't die now. But I'm curious, do you want him to die now? Or do you want him to live?" Zhuo Yifan sneered Said.

"You... what do you mean by that?" Chen Mo was obviously confused and asked.

"I'm afraid you really want Yu Zhaogan to shut up forever at this time? I think he should have a lot of your things, right?" Zhuo Yifan continued to sneer.

"You...what do you want?" Chen Mo wanted to curse right now.Now he was driving behind Yang Yanbing by himself, his hands trembling and he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel. He hated Yu Zhaogan to death. Why didn't this grandson fall into the ditch and drown when he was walking? He choked to death after eating!

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