super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2185 Zhuo Family’s Strength 24

After the ribbon was cut, a 10-minute interview with reporters was arranged.The senior leaders of the group began to answer various questions raised by the reporters.Zhuo Yifan walked into the building with the leaders and company executives who were going to participate in the internal celebration.

In the hall on the first floor, stages have been set up one by one.The lights and the band are all ready!A perfect group opening ceremony performance is also well prepared.

"It's almost time! Arrange everyone to be seated, and I'll go up and ask the chief to come down!" Zhuo Yifan ordered to Shen Jiayi who was beside him.

"Okay! No problem!" Shen Jiayi nodded in agreement.

"You can help take care here!" Zhuo Yifan entrusted Song Yingjie, and then walked towards the elevator.

After Zhuo Yifan asked where X was now, he took the elevator and rushed over directly.

At this time, Chief No. [-] was visiting the internal hardware configuration of the group, accompanied by Shui Yunxiao and several staff members.The current location is the central control system of the enterprise, which is also the security defense system!When Zhuo Yifan walked into the central control room, he happened to meet X and his group coming out of it.

"Xiaofan! Are the following things settled?" X asked with a smile.

"Well! It's over! Now it's an internal celebration! Before the event started, it was the leader's speech. I think the first person who should speak here today is probably you, the chief!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Your boy is going to let me speak at your celebration, to advertise you, right?" X pointed at Zhuo Yifan and chuckled.

"Hehe! Chief, don't say it, how embarrassing!" Zhuo Yifan laughed dryly.

"Okay! I'll meet your request! Take me there now! Actually, before I came here, I was already thinking about how to advertise for you! I even prepared the speech script!" X smiled. Said.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, nodded and said, "Thank you, Chief! The Chief has a heart!"

On the hall stage on the first floor, a long solid wood conference table has been arranged properly.On each position above, the name of the person is also placed, which can be seen at a glance.It's just that the seat next to Zhuo Yifan in the center was vacant, and there was no name.Everyone can't help being a little curious.Is there no one sitting in that seat?Such a central position must also be an important leader, why didn't he put his name on it?

The three leaders of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, including Wang Guang, the deputy mayor, were assigned to the two most extreme positions on the left and right sides.This made the four of them very upset.Although there are many CEOs of Fortune [-] companies present, their actions are more central than their own. Under normal circumstances, this is not a big deal, and it is understandable.But in Zhuo Yifan's place, it would be seen as Zhuo Yifan doing it on purpose.Why is Luo Ming located on the right side of Zhuo Yifan?

There are a total of eleven positions on the stage, and they will be ready soon.Nine people arrived at the scene and took the lead in sitting in their seats.On the side there is a master of ceremonies who is sitting and making final preparations before giving a speech.

"Why hasn't it started yet? Where did Zhuo Yifan go?" Wang Guang became a little impatient, and asked with a frown as he pointed to the group staff next to him.

"Under some delay, only 3 chapters can be updated for the time being, and will be updated at night, please understand. "

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