super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2192 Secret Talk 2

X took a deep breath, then nodded slightly, and said slowly: "You are right! It is the Long family! The Zhao family itself was raised by the Long family! It can be said that the Zhao family is the puppet of the Long family! The puppet has connections with mysterious foreign organizations, and the Long family still doesn't know about it, do you think it's possible?"

Zhuo Yifan was shocked.He finally understood why X said this to himself!According to the meaning of his words, doesn't that mean that all of this is behind the scenes of the Long family?It turned out that what X was really worried about was not the Zhao family, but the Long family hiding behind the Zhao family.No wonder he said just now that he came here for himself.I and the Long family are deadly enemies, it is reasonable for him to come to find me!

"Chief, I think I understand what you mean!" Zhuo Yifan nodded slowly, and then said, "If the Long family really has something to do with this matter, what role will he play in it?"

X snorted coldly, and said irrefutably: "At least it won't be lower than the Zhao family. We even suspected that the group of people who defected from the country of the United States were bewitched or threatened by the Long family! The Long family has this condition Use the means to accomplish all of this! Although it is the country of the United States!"

"If that's the case! That mysterious organization can be regarded as the power of the Long family!" Zhuo Yifan said with wide-eyed eyes.

"Hehe! Your father is right. You are indeed a smart boy! The Long family's chess moves are flawless. As long as that force is abroad, we will have no chance to investigate or even eliminate it! It is the foreign government. It has nothing to do with us! More importantly, those super fighters are basically foreigners. Perhaps, except for a very small number of people, no one knows that their last big boss will be the Long family in China! Even if they come to China to cause chaos , and there is no evidence, it will point to the Long family! They are all foreigners, so how can we doubt the Long family?" X nodded and said.

"If that's the case, why was the Zhao family exposed so easily?" Zhuo Yifan asked with some doubts.

"This can also be explained! A few years ago, something happened in Fengdu. You have dealt with Tangmen, you should know the relationship between Tangmen and Daoguo! Let me tell you directly, that Yamamoto Tsuyoshi is One of the contacts of foreign mysterious organizations in China can also be said to be the person in charge! His identity in the island country, and even in China, is just a cover. What you did with Yamada Renchuan of the four-member group in Fengdu before, I know all about it too. You guys were tricked by him!" X explained with a smile.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes widened, and he thought that that boy Yamamoto Go had such an identity!

"At that time, Yamamoto had just entered China, and his foundation was not solid. The reason why he was able to gain a foothold in Fengdu quickly was actually the result of the Zhao family's efforts behind the scenes! The Fengdu Military Region even kept some of their secrets secret. Take action, turn a blind eye! This situation was accidentally intercepted by our intelligence agents! If not, we might still be kept in the dark! There is a connection between the Zhao family and Takeshi Yamamoto. It means that the Zhao family is likely to be connected with that organization abroad!" X frowned and explained.

"Then how are you sure that the Zhao family is cooperating with that organization, not the island nation organization that Tsuyoshi Yamamoto ostensibly represents?" Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise.

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