super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2481 Treating Trauma 4

"Report to the deputy team leader. My name is Baihu!" A young man with the same build as a big black man but with a slightly fairer complexion said loudly.

"Report to the deputy team leader, my name is Wisteria!" Wisteria was the last to speak.

"Why do I sound like I followed the zoo? The code names of the three girls sound more comfortable!" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but chuckled.

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

"No way, the code name can't be changed casually!" Hei Xiong said with some embarrassment: "By the way, the deputy team leader, your kung fu is so good, I, Hei Xiong, can't beat you even if I ask myself ten, can you spare some time to guide me?" us?"

"That's no problem. Since you have become my soldiers, I naturally hope that you will be stronger than before! But before that, I still have one very important thing to do!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

"What's the matter with the deputy team leader? Can we help?" Shan Mao asked suspiciously.

"That's right, deputy team leader, if you need our help, just say it!" Black Bear also said hastily.

"You don't need your help with this matter, I want to heal your eldest sister!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Fenghuang looked at Zhuo Yifan in surprise and asked, "Deputy team leader, have you got the ointment you mentioned?"

"That's right! If you are free now, I can heal your injuries right away! After treating your injuries, I have to rush back to deal with some of my own affairs. I think you all know that I am very busy now!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said .

"Okay! Others are free to move about!" Fenghuang looked at Hei Xiong and others and said.

"Come with me!" Fenghuang said to Zhuo Yifan, and took the lead towards the small building.As soon as Zhuo Yifan followed, the angel also chased him from behind.

"Why are you here?" Zhuo Yifan asked curiously.

"Let me see how you healed my elder sister!" the angel said solemnly.

"You girl, what's so good about healing your wounds?" Fenghuang said helplessly.

"He cares about the elder sister's body!" the angel said coquettishly.

Fenghuang glanced at Zhuo Yifan, which meant that you should take care of this girl in the future!How can you never grow up?Zhuo Yifan gave her a understanding look.

Following Fenghuang to her room, the three of them sat down on the stool.

"Is the trauma on your back scarred?" Zhuo Yifan asked tentatively.

"That's right! You gave me this ointment, how do I use it?" Fenghuang nodded and asked.

Zhuo Yifan was silent for a while, then shook his head helplessly and said, "If you want the wound to heal faster, you will probably suffer a lot!"

"What do you mean by that? Why do you have to make big sister suffer?" Angel asked in surprise.

"You mean, we need to uncover all the scars?" Fenghuang asked tentatively as if he understood Zhuo Yifan's meaning.

Zhuo Yifan nodded helplessly and explained: "Only in this way can you ensure that the ointment is quickly and completely absorbed by you. The slowest time is three days, and a new layer of flesh will grow out. And it will not leave any scars !"

"Open the scars? Isn't that killing people?" The angel asked with wide eyes, "Do you have any other options? Is this the only way?"

Zhuo Yifan shook his head helplessly and said: "Of course there is another way, which is to use this ointment and apply it to the wound without removing the scar. Of course, the penetration effect of the medicine will be reduced, and the recovery will be faster." It will also be very slow. It is estimated that it will take one to two weeks to fully heal. Most importantly, it will leave a scar!"

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