super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2486 Treatment Success 4

"I see!" Angel nodded.

Zhuo Yifan didn't say any more, and immediately closed his eyes.

Fenghuang felt a warm current, which passed along Zhuo Yifan's wrist and his own, and directly spread to his body.According to what Zhuo Yifan said, she didn't exercise her skills to resist, but was enjoying this very comfortable feeling.Anyone who has been treated by Zhuo Yifan has experienced this feeling.Under such circumstances, there will be a feeling of falling asleep indirectly, but it will not really fall asleep, and there will always be a trace of clarity in the mind.

But Zhuo Yifan's purpose this time was to make Fenghuang fall asleep completely.After all the work was over, he withdrew his inner strength again, and let Phoenix wake up again.If you are disturbed during this period, maybe some of your internal energy will stay in Phoenix's brain uncontrollably, which may cause temporary coma and amnesia if it is mild, or may cause people to sleep for a long time, leaving the brain in a state of turmoil. A permanent dormant state is equivalent to a vegetative state!

So at this critical moment, Zhuo Yifan dare not take it lightly!

Not long after, Fenghuang felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and finally closed them slowly.After that, accompanied by even breathing, he fell into sleep.

After a while, after Zhuo Yifan was sure that Phoenix had entered a deep sleep, he suddenly opened his eyes and said to the angel who was ready, "Do it now!"

Zhuo Yifan, who only said four words, closed his eyes again and returned to the state of meditation.

Angel didn't dare to delay for a moment, and carefully began to use the scalpel in his hand to slowly open the scabbed scar on Phoenix's back.Streams of blood also flowed down the fair skin onto the army green sheets.The angel frowned and felt distressed for a while.

But at this time, she didn't dare to stop, and continued to finish the work in hand in an orderly manner.

The first procedure took a whole hour and a half before it was all done!Fortunately, Fenghuang slept like a baby in a swaddle, as if he didn't know anything about what happened on his back, so the angel breathed a sigh of relief.

After treating the blood flowing from Phoenix's back, the angel evenly applied the ointment he brought to the wound on Phoenix's back according to what Zhuo Yifan said, showing extra care and caution.

Another half an hour passed before the job was finished.Then the angel began to bandage up Phoenix's wound with the prepared white gauze.After all the work is completed, this is finally relieved!

"Okay!" The angel just said two short words to Zhuo Yifan, and I don't know if Zhuo Yifan heard it.

But he knew that Zhuo Yifan was practicing his skills at this time and could not be disturbed, so he didn't dare to make a sound again, so he could only stand aside obediently and watch quietly.

About half an hour later, Zhuo Yifan opened his eyes first.Glancing at Fenghuang whose upper body was covered with gauze, a wry smile appeared on his face and said, "How much of the ointment I gave you have you used?"

"About one third!" said the angel, picking up the bottle containing the ointment.

"There are still two-thirds, divided into two. At this time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, remember to change the medicine for Phoenix!" Zhuo Yifan urged.

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