super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2491 Come to the door 4

Angel's door is facing the stairs.Go out of the room and go straight up the stairs to the third floor.Zhuo Yifan's expression showed surprise for a moment.Because he found that this place is obviously different from the second floor.I heard from Fenghuang before that the third floor is the archive room, but I didn't expect that there are only two doors in the whole third floor.Moreover, the two doors are double doors made of pure steel, and there is a fingerprint recognition system and keyboard beside the door.Obviously, it can only be opened after double verification of fingerprint and password.Didn't expect it to be so well guarded.You know, this building is located in the center of the entire barracks, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to get here!But such strict measures have been taken here, which shows how precious and confidential the files and facilities inside are.

"The fingerprints of the laboratory belong to me and the eldest sister, and only we two know the password! In the archives, there are only the fingerprints of the eldest sister and the team leader Xie Dongting, and only the two of them know the password! But I think you will know soon Already!" Angel explained, and printed his palm on the scanner of the fingerprint recognition system, and then quickly pressed a string of numbers on the keyboard beside him.No matter how fast she moved, she couldn't escape Zhuo Yifan's eyes.

The angel seemed to realize this too, and looked back at Zhuo Yifan thoughtfully, but didn't care, and just pressed the button to open the door.With just a click, the nearly ten centimeter-thick pure steel door slowly opened a one-meter-wide path from the middle to both sides!

"Come in!" The angel greeted Zhuo Yifan and walked in.

Zhuo Yifan put away the surprise in his heart, and followed into the laboratory.

But what makes Zhuo Yifan depressed is that this laboratory is even worse than the angel's girl's room!Mess all over the place.Glassware, test tubes, unknown liquids and some instruments are placed in every corner of the laboratory in a haphazard manner, which makes people feel dazzled.Zhuo Yifan really doesn't know how this girl conducts experimental research under such circumstances!Fortunately, she is the only one doing research and development here, so she doesn't have to take other people into consideration.Otherwise, in this environment, who can come up with any research results?This girl can be considered a wonder!

"Look at it if you want! Did you see it now?" the angel glanced at the laboratory, then looked at Zhuo Yifan, and said with a blushing face.Obviously, the scene in front of her made her a little guilty.Fenghuang had also yelled at her more than once because of this matter before, but found that it was all in vain.In the end, Fenghuang didn't bother to talk about her anymore!She was the only one using the lab anyway.

"En!" Zhuo Yifan nodded helplessly, he was really not interested in the place called "Laboratory" in front of him!

Just when Zhuo Yifan couldn't find any excuse to leave here quickly, his cell phone rang again suddenly.With a thought in his heart, Zhuo Yifan immediately took out his cell phone, and connected the call without looking at it.

After reporting his name, Zhuo Yifan waited for the other party to speak, but what he heard was the voice of a strange man: "Mr. Zhuo, I am Colonel Zhang Yang of the Political Department, and now I need to ask you for some information. Please cooperate with the investigation!"

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