"Mr. Zhuo is very punctual. It's exactly half an hour!" Zhang Yang looked at Zhuo Yifan who was coming, with a smile on his face, and hurried forward and said.

"I'm sorry to bother you to look at the gate for me for so long! Of course I have to get down quickly! Otherwise, people will think that I, Zhuo Yifan, have a lot of face and invite executives from the Ministry of State Security and the Political Department to come here to see Where's the gate!" Zhuo Yifan said "politely" with a half-smile.

When Wang Yadong and Zhang Yang heard the words, their old faces couldn't help but sink again.Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yifan actually satirized them as gatekeepers!This is simply a great shame to them!

"Okay, everyone's time is precious, and we don't want to waste Mr. Zhuo's time. Can we go now?" Zhang Yang laughed, revealed this article, and asked tentatively.

"Lead the way!" Zhuo Yifan agreed lightly.

A group of people walked out of the group building and came to three military Audis on the side of the road.Wang Yadong got into the co-pilot of the first car directly, while Zhang Yang accompanied Zhuo Yifan to the back of the second car.Of course, two armed police soldiers entered the car together.

Half an hour later, three black Audis with military plates were driving on Chang'an Avenue.Not long after passing Tiananmen Square, I turned into the side road along the side of the Great Hall of the People.

A few minutes later, the three cars stopped directly in front of a five-story gray building.Zhuo Yifan got out of the car at Zhang Yang's "invitation".Looking up, I found that the building was unremarkable, not to mention the name of any department or unit, but there were two armed police soldiers standing in front of the door, indicating that this is an agency unit, and idlers are not allowed to enter!

"Let's go, Mr. Zhuo!" Zhang Yang said to the dazed Zhuo Yifan, and then took the lead and walked into the gray building.The four armed police soldiers who just got out of the car at the back quickly surrounded him and stood on both sides of Zhuo Yifan, as if they were afraid that he would run away suddenly.

After Zhang Yang and Wang Yadong explained a few words to the armed police on duty in front of the door, the group went directly to the first floor of the building.

After several turns, Zhuo Yifan was taken by four armed police soldiers to a small office at the end of the corridor on the first floor.It's more like an interrogation room than an office.Because in this office, apart from a table and a few chairs, there is only a special "seat" in the corner.What that thing is used for is self-evident!

I didn't expect to be treated like this!Zhuo Yifan couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart.Wang Yadong and Zhang Yang didn't intend to let themselves out this time!

Ten minutes later, Zhuo Yifan was already sitting on the special seat, and there were two armed police soldiers standing on the left and the right.At this time, Wang Yadong and Zhang Yang also opened the door and walked in from the outside.The two looked at Zhuo Yifan's eyes with a chill.

"Zhuo Yifan! I don't need to introduce you to Vice Minister Wang, but I still want to tell you officially. Today we are conducting a surprise review on you on behalf of the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Political Affairs! As for the specific reason, I miss you It should be very clear in my heart!" After the two sat down on the two chairs in front of the table, Zhang Yang said lightly.The address for Zhuo Yifan was also changed from Mr. Zhuo to his first name!With this change in attitude, it can already be seen that his mind has also changed.

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