super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2610 Clue 14

"Since you are so interested, you are in charge. First collect information about this Emerson. Including the people around him! You can ask other team members to help you. You investigate separately! Once you have the results, then Make a detailed plan. After the meeting is approved, we will start to implement it! The focus of this mission is to prevent people other than Emerson from discovering our intentions. We must pretend to be like real robbers and not let people Put your eyes on us!" Zhuo Yifan warned with a nod.

"No problem, team leader. I promise to complete the task!" Gopher immediately patted his chest and said happily: "I promise to make Emerson speak obediently and not arouse anyone's suspicion!"

Zhuo Yifan shrugged noncommittally and said: "I called you here to tell you these things. Except for Fenghuang and Wisteria, everyone else is following up on this mission. You all divide the work and cooperate, and start to act now! I hope you This task can be completed in a short time!"

"Okay!" Gopher agreed, and left Zhuo Yifan's room with the remaining six male players.The seven of them have to discuss how to deal with that BL deputy mayor named Emerson!

The two women, Phoenix and Wisteria, were left in the room by Zhuo Yifan.

"You asked us to stay, because you have other things to explain?" Phoenix asked tentatively.

"That's right! Let them be responsible for Emerson's affairs! Seven people should be about the same! Let's start from the gang!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, and then told what he learned , and then continued: "Two-pronged approach, if we can't find Zhao Zhengming's trace, it can only show that we are incompetent!"

"I didn't expect you to find two clues so quickly. It seems that you, the deputy team leader, are indeed much more competent than me!" Fenghuang smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I just have a relationship! Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten these two pieces of news in such a short time! Now let's think about how to deal with BL gangsters!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head and chuckled.

"Do it? Didn't you ask the members of the four-member team to investigate?" Fenghuang asked with some doubts.

"I think it is unlikely that Zhao Zhengming will use the group of four to leave France. After all, the Zhao family should be clear about the relationship between me and the group of four. He should not be so stupid as to shoot himself at the gunpoint. We can only Focus on the remaining three gangs." Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"Since this is the case, you should have your own plan, right?" Fenghuang asked with a nod.

"Hmm! Didn't I know a friend in the Mafia? Using him should be able to find a breakthrough. As for the Tiger Gang, I have already asked Jiro Kudo to find a way to provide information! These two gangs will be dealt with first. If Zhao Zhengming's can be found The news is the best, if you can't find it, there is only one last possibility left!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Hehe! Your plan is quite detailed! Then what are we going to do now?" Fenghuang nodded and asked.

"Wait! Wait for their news! For the Tiger Gang, if you want to get close to them, you have to pack yourself up! Do you have any good suggestions for this?" Zhuo Yifan asked.

"You mean to find an excuse to approach them? This is relatively simple. The Chinese also have gangsters in the local area. It's just a small fight. It is not impossible to use the Chinese association to get close to the Tiger Gang. "Feng Xiu frowned slightly, and quickly came up with a solution.

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