super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2649 Tiger Gang 5

"Mr. Zhuo, this gentleman wants to see you!" Wang Wei winked at Zhuo Yifan, then pointed at Lu Tao and said.

"Mr. Lu, we meet again. Please come in!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile to Lu Tao.

"Mr. Zhuo, you are welcome!" Lu Tao nodded and entered Zhuo Yifan's room, while Wang Wei helped Zhuo Yifan close the door and left directly.After all, this is a hotel, and Wang Wei still needs to pay attention to the places that should be paid attention to.

"Mr. Lu, please sit down!" Zhuo Yifan pointed to the sofa where Kudo Jiro sat just now and said to Lu Tao.

"Thank you!" Lu Tao sat down on the sofa and looked away from the four women.Of course, Lu Tao had never seen Qingyan and other girls. Any man who saw the four beauties in front of him would not be able to help but take a second look.However, Lu Tao knew that these women were not something he could care about, so after taking a look at them, he averted his gaze just right.

"Here are all our own people, Mr. Lu doesn't need to be restrained. If you have any news, just tell me!" Zhuo Yifan said bluntly after sitting down.

"Okay! I have completed what Mr. Zhuo asked me to do yesterday! The number two leader of the Tiger Gang is Simon, and he has agreed to meet you." Lu Tao naturally had no doubts about Zhuo Yifan's words, and nodded directly Said.

"Very good! Mr. Lu did a good job! Then did they say when we can meet?" Zhuo Yifan asked with satisfaction.

"Yes. Simon is suspicious by nature, and he is very cautious in doing things. He wanted to choose to meet in the evening, but considering Mr. Zhuo's request, I managed to make it in the afternoon! But the location is up to them!" Lu Tao nodded, and then some said worriedly.

"Oh? The location doesn't matter, let them fix it! Then we can leave after lunch?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"That's right! It's just that I'm worried that the other party will suddenly attack you after knowing your intentions. Simon will definitely be fully prepared in his place. If so, we will be very passive!" Lu Tao knew that Zhuo Yifan was not If you really want to do a drug deal with Simon, it will be inevitable to turn your face at that time, so you are naturally a little nervous.

"Hehe, don't worry about that, I will never let them have a chance to attack us! Do you think I am someone who will die?" Zhuo Yifan asked back with a smile, his tone very confident.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhuo was joking. I'm just a little worried, just a reminder! After all, Simon is notoriously ruthless and can do anything." Lu Tao quickly explained that if Zhuo Yifan If you think you're a coward, it's a shame.

"Well. What you said makes sense. But don't worry. I'm ready!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a smile, and then said in a deep voice, "Since the time to meet Simon has been confirmed, now we are We have to wait!"

"That's what I said. But isn't Mr. Zhuo going to bring some drugs to show off?" Lu Tao asked hesitantly.

"Hehe! I don't think it's necessary. As long as I can see Simon, everything will be fine!" Zhuo Yifan laughed.Thinking of the trick he used against Olini last night, he wondered what effect it would have on Simon.The more suspicious a person is, the more careful he is, and naturally he cherishes his own life extraordinarily.To put it bluntly, I am afraid of death.It is estimated that he will be more active than Olini in doing things, right?

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