super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2652 Tiger Gang 8

Lu Tao helplessly shrugged Zhuo Yifan and showed a wry smile.Zhuo Yifan shook his head indifferently.

The six people waited in front of the iron gate for about 5 minutes, and the iron gate opened again.The big man who went in before came back.

"The boss let you in, but according to the rules, we need to search!" The big black man said, but his eyes kept staring at Qingyan and the other four women.What idea was in his mind, mainly because he was not a fool, he had already guessed it.

The eyebrows of the four girls frowned at the same time, obviously repelling the request for a body search.How could they let a strange man touch their body, and still grope up and down?

"This... we don't care. But these four are girls, isn't it good for you to do this?" Zhuo Yifan asked back with a smile.

"I can't control this. If you don't accept the body search, then please go back!" The big black man said with a sneer on his face, in an unquestionable tone.

"Hehe! Doing business is nothing more than seeking money. But you can't go too far in everything. Can't you change your rules?" Zhuo Yifan also asked with a sneer.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, this rule was set by the boss." The big black man sneered and shook his head.

"In this case, then we won't do this business!" Zhuo Yifan's face darkened, and after staring at the big black man for a few seconds, he suddenly said with a chuckle.

Zhuo Yifan's reaction made the big black man angry at first, but what he said later surprised him a little.Unexpectedly, this "drug dealer" gave up a big deal because of this request!Isn't this a joke?Are four women more attractive than piles of banknotes?What's more, it's just a body search, and you don't really want to do anything to them?Is it okay to suffer a little?

Zhuo Yifan didn't give the big black man any extra time to think, so he turned around and was about to leave.Lu Tao who was on the side was also taken aback by his decisive withdrawal.

"Wait! Are you really not doing business anymore?" The big black man obviously didn't expect Zhuo Yifan to leave as soon as he said it, so he hurriedly asked.

"Business is necessary, but I don't do business with people who are impersonal like you. I do business to be happy and refreshing! Since you don't even have the minimum trust, why should I do business with you?" Zhuo Yi Fan stopped in his tracks and asked back with a light smile.

As soon as the words fell, the iron door behind the big black man opened again, and this time it was a young white man who walked out.He looks like the kind of guy who has been addicted to drugs for a long time. Although he is tall, there is only a skeleton left in his body. It is not too much to describe him as skinny.

"The boss invites some friends in!" After the white man came out, he glanced at the black man, winked, and then said to Zhuo Yifan and the others.

Only then did Zhuo Yifan show a meaningful smile, looked at Lu Tao beside him, and then walked into the iron gate with big strides.Lu Tao was stunned for a moment, and fell to the end.But when he regained his senses, he immediately followed.

After passing through the second small iron gate, there is an elevator room in front of you.And it is the oldest type of elevator, with only a simple steel structure for support, more like a freight elevator on a construction site.The white man pressed the button next to the elevator door, and the iron door of the elevator opened in response.The white man walked in first, and then motioned for Zhuo Yifan and others to follow.

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