super unscrupulous student

Chapter 284 Night Attack 6

Zhuo Yifan made excuses for his greed, but in fact he only wanted 500 million at that time.God knows why Sun Yunhe thought he wanted 5000 million!Do you really look like a bandit?Then it is impossible for me to ask the lion to ask for 5000 million!He mentioned this number himself!

"Don't explain! I only know the facts! Think about someone smiling and seeing an extra 500 million in his account tomorrow morning! He must be very happy!" Leng Feng continued to strike.

Zhuo Yifan almost spurted blood immediately.This girl's speech is too ugly.

Before Zhuo Yifan could get angry, Leng Feng suddenly frowned while looking at the monitor.

"What's going on? Why did all these guys get together?" Leng Feng said, frowning.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then turned to look at the monitor.I saw the six doors opened at the same time.A total of nine people walked out from each room, and all of them entered Wang Jing's room.

"Could it be a matter of discussing how to deal with Sun Yunhe?" Zhuo Yifan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. "Damn, didn't they find something? Impossible? If they really knew we were here, then someone had tipped them off! They hadn't been in or out for a while except for two who just came back from outside. Passed the door. It is impossible to know us!" Zhuo Yifan explained.

"Anyway, with so many of them gathering now, nothing good will happen!" Leng Feng gave his own judgment.

Zhuo Yifan immediately sent a message to Tang Guangyao - the plan may change, guard all intersections!Waiting for command.

Zhuo Yifan frowned tightly, feeling that this matter was really a headache.Damn, if it doesn't work, just rush up!But they have guns in their hands!If they were alarmed, they might use guns.At that time, the whole hotel will be lively!

"Look first and then talk!" Zhuo Yifan said slowly, his eyes fixed on the monitor.

At this moment, in Wang Jing's room, the group of people who had just entered came out again.Including Wang Jing, there are a total of ten people, and none of them is bad.And more or less holding something in his hand.

"They want to evacuate!" Zhuo Yifan made a judgment immediately, but he was thinking about the countermeasures in his heart.

It is obviously not realistic to intercept this group of people in the hotel.If there is a gun battle, I am afraid it will cause a certain range of panic!And if he hurts an innocent person, he will be playing big!

Seeing Wang Jing and his group hurrying all the way to the elevator, Leng Feng frowned even tighter: "Do you want to let them go?"

Zhuo Yifan is now sure that someone must have secretly reported to Wang Jingfeng!Otherwise, Wang Jing wouldn't have left the hotel in such a coincidence before he was about to attack!Oh shit!Which bastard leaked the news?

Zhuo Yifan frowned when he saw Wang Jing and the others who had walked into the elevator and went all the way down to the first floor!Now he is wondering whether to stop these people in the hotel.

"There must be something wrong with the Guoan people! Someone leaked the news! Damn it!" Zhuo Yifan gritted his teeth.Said angrily.Not to mention that the arrangement for the next night was in vain, and the best opportunity to win Wang Jing might have been lost.

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