super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2926 The friend of the enemy is also a friend 4

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Zhuo Yifan?" A woman's pleasant voice came from the phone.An authentic London voice, very pleasant to listen to.

"That's right! I'm Zhuo Yifan. Who are you?" Zhuo Yifan asked after admitting it.

"My name is Donia Morgan! I don't know if you have heard of it?" The woman's elegant voice said again.

"Donia? Morgan? I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it. But you should be from the Morgan family, right? What can I do for you?" Zhuo Yifan gave a wry smile with regret, and then asked in doubt road.

"Of course I have something to do with you. I think we should have a good talk!" Donia said as a matter of course.

"In the past two days, there have been too many people coming to talk to me! What's going on? Don't you all have obstacles in your heart? Is it necessary for me, a psychological master, to solve it?" Zhuo Yifan asked inexplicably.

"Mr. Zhuo is really humorous. I didn't want to see a psychiatrist, so I made this call! There is a saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend! But in Mr. Zhuo's case, I think I should give it a try. Change it to an enemy My friends are also friends, it will be even better!" Donia said with a smile.

"The enemy's friend is also a friend?" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but frowned. The woman's voice would not be too different from Doreen's age. Since she was from the Morgan family, she and Doreen must be cousins.But what does the phrase "a friend of an enemy is a friend" mean?

"That's right! My sister, the Doreen you just met, is my enemy now!" Donia said with a sneer.

"Wait! Your sister is Doreen? Then how could she be your enemy?" Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise.

"Because she snatched my man away, he was supposed to be with me. As a result, the family chose Doreen to replace me, and it is said that he is going to be engaged to him! How is this possible? I absolutely cannot tolerate such a thing Become a reality!" Donia said coldly.

"So you are Ryan's girlfriend! I just heard Doreen tell me that you have known Ryan for many years, and you have a deep affection for him, which has reached the point where you can't extricate yourself, right?" Zhuo Yi Fan asked tentatively.

"That's right! I love him. But I can't get him now!" Donia agreed, and then the big guy raised his voice several decibels: "It's all my sister Doreen, it's her Lane took it from me! Lane should have been mine!"

"I think you are inferior to Doreen! Anyway, loving someone should be happiness! The highest state of love is not how to possess, but how to let go!" Zhuo Yifan comforted with some helplessness.

"Let go? Why should I let go? I can't let go! I want everyone to know that I am more suitable to be Ryan's wife than Doreen!" Donia said with a sneer.

"You called me just to tell me this?" Zhuo Yifan frowned in surprise.

"Of course not! Did my sister invite you to Princess Eugenie's birthday party tomorrow?" Donia suddenly changed into a very ladylike tone and asked softly.

"You're right, she did tell me! But I didn't agree!" Zhuo Yifan said bluntly.

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