super unscrupulous student

Chapter 2966 Promise 2

"No need!" Zhuo Yifan took the gold card back from Kloss's hand, handed his bank card to Kloss and said, "Of course you have to use your own money to give someone a gift!"

Cross shifted his gaze to Doreen with some surprise.He didn't expect that there were free things, but this man didn't take them, but had to pay for them himself!Was the head squeezed by the door?Or do you want to charge a lot of money in front of this lady?However, it is impossible to charge a large amount of money!The distinguished guests of the Morgan consortium, do you still care about the money?

"Zhuo! You don't need to pay the 200 million, why..." Doreen asked in surprise seeing Zhuo Yifan stuffing the gold card back for herself.

Before Doreen finished speaking, Zhuo Yifan interrupted her directly, and explained with a smile: "This is the first gift I gave you, so naturally I have to buy it with my own money. This is called sincerity! 200 Ten thousand is just a number! Isn't it?"

When Doreen heard this, a sweet smile appeared on her face, and she leaned her head sideways into Zhuo Yifan's arms.Regardless of Cross watching in front of him, he directly kissed Zhuo Yifan's chin heavily again!

"You two, are you sure you want me to swipe your card?" Cross asked softly.Although I can't bear to interrupt the sweetness of this young couple, after all, I still have to work, don't I?

"Swipe!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

Cross no longer hesitated, took out the machine, and started operating it directly.After the payment was completed, Zhuo Yifan asked Doreen to sign the contract and asked her to come and pick up the gift in person.Because he wasn't sure if he was still in London five days later!

The two left the mall contentedly. Doreen had been immersed in her own sweetness. Only then did she realize it and asked anxiously, "I haven't bought a gift for Eugenie yet! What should I do now?"

"Don't worry! Let's go to a place first! I'll take you to buy gifts later!" Zhuo Yifan comforted with a smile.

"Where are we going?" Doreen asked in surprise.

"Chinatown!" Zhuo Yifan replied flatly.

Doreen didn't ask any further questions, she took Zhuo Yifan into her car, and then told the driver to drive to Chinatown!

"Zhuo! What are you taking me to Chinatown for?" Doreen asked after getting into the car.

"Go eat!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Dinner?" Doreen frowned in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "You can just find a hotel for dinner, why do you have to go to Chinatown?"

"I'll take you to Huaxia Cuisine!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Chinese cuisine? So that's the case. Is it okay for you, Zhuo, to not be used to London food, but do you still want to eat Chinese food?" Doreen asked with some doubts.

"Of course not! I'll make a phone call first, and I'll explain to you later!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a set of numbers.

"Master? What are your orders?" After the call was connected, a suspicious man's voice came from the phone.

"Where are you six now?" Zhuo Yifan asked in Mandarin.

"We are in London Chinatown!" Zhuo Yi replied directly.

"Well, I'll be here soon. I'll contact you when the time comes. But before that, you all need to do something for me!" Zhuo Yifan said lightly.

"Young master, if you have anything to tell me directly!" Zhuo Yi agreed.

"I need a good piece of Hetian jade, preferably some years old. I want valuable ones, and mobilize all our forces in London to find them! Once one disappears, I want the result!" Zhuo Yifan ordered lightly road.

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