super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3005 The Queen Summons 4

When Andrew heard this, his face became embarrassed.Unexpectedly, my mother, her Majesty the Queen, didn't save any face for me.In front of the juniors, he began to criticize himself!

"Your Majesty's words are serious! After I go back, I will definitely convey your words to Grandpa! As for the last time you looked for him, I think it was because he was delayed by something, so I disappointed Her Majesty. Please, Your Majesty. Don't mind!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"Very good! The little guy is very satisfying to me! Today is my granddaughter's birthday, so let's not talk too much off topic! Let me give you one last word, this is England. Please look at my nearly ninety-year-old For the sake of the elderly, don't provoke disputes in this quiet land!" Elizabeth said in a very helpless tone.There was a hint of pleading in his tone.

Elizabeth's words surprised Zhuo Yifan, and at the same time, the expressions of Andrew and the others changed suddenly.No one thought that Her Majesty the Queen would speak in such a tone to a brat like Zhuo Yifan.This is beyond their expectations!

"I understand what you mean! Don't worry, as long as others don't take the initiative to trouble me, I will definitely not cause trouble!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and assured.

"Very good! Let the little ones go out first! I have something to talk to Andrew!" Elizabeth nodded with satisfaction, and then issued an order to evict the guests.

"Then we're leaving!" Zhuo Yifan stood up and walked out of the reception room accompanied by Eugenie and Doreen.

After the three of them left, Elizabeth leaned on the sofa sleepily, closed her eyes, and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Mother! How can you speak to that kid in that tone? The dignity of our royal family..." Andrew thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and finally couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Elizabeth interrupted Andrew, and said bluntly: "You are too young to see the cruelty of war. You don't understand, the family battles in China are not something we can participate in ! I have seen all your contact with the Long family these years, don't think I don't know anything!"

When Andrew heard this, his face became ugly.Unexpectedly, my every move is under the supervision of my mother!To him, this is simply an irony.

"I don't understand!" Andrew said very depressed.

Elizabeth said lightly: "There are still many things you don't understand! I have always tolerated your contact with the Long family because what you did with the Long family were all trivial things. On this issue , I have an indulgent attitude. But you have to know that if you really do something to Zhuo Yifan, the blow to the entire royal family will be huge, and you will undoubtedly dig your own grave!"

"Mother, are your words alarmist?" Andrew asked a little depressed.

"You used to be my favorite son. But do you know why I didn't make you the crown prince?" Elizabeth asked seriously.

"Mother? What do you mean? Could it be..." Andrew couldn't help but tremble in his heart.The issue of the crown prince mentioned by Elizabeth has always worried him.Originally, he thought that Elizabeth liked him the most, and the throne should be passed on to him, but he didn't expect that it would pass to Prince William!In his heart, this has always been a mystery that cannot be solved, and it is also a big knot.

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