super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3029 Zhuo Yifan died again? 1

Ryan's face became even more ugly, and he was silent for a while, not knowing how to deal with it.

Just when the two of them didn't know what to do, there was a little movement in the ruins.As if there was something trying to get out of it, the whole ground trembled slightly.

Mr. Qin and Ryan couldn't help but looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise and horror in each other's eyes.Could it be...Zhuo Yifan is going to rush out of the ruins?He... woke up!

Just when the two of them were stunned, there was a sudden loud noise, and the ruins scattered and exploded towards the surroundings. A figure in the center soared into the sky, and after rising more than ten meters, it fell down quickly again. It fell directly on the ground, and there was another loud noise, and even the whole ground trembled again.

"MD! This guy is really still alive!" Mr. Qin couldn't help but yelled, and quickly backed away a few meters away, leaving a distance of more than ten meters away from the figure that just fell to the ground.

Ryan also looked at the figure in surprise.From him, he could feel a huge aura, which was not weaker than the aura sensed in the house before.In other words, Mr. Qin's previous attack had no effect at all.And looking at Mr. Qin's appearance, it is obvious that he suffered serious internal injuries from the attack just now!

As for Zhuo Yifan, he was kneeling on one knee at this time, with his whole body facing down, and he couldn't see the expression on his face at all.The whole person has just rushed out of the ruins, and he is no different from a beggar, and he has no human appearance.But such a slovenly and embarrassed image contained a terrifying energy, which shocked Ryan and Mr. Qin.

"What should I do?" Mr. Qin looked at Ryan and couldn't help asking.If you can't kill Zhuo Yifan today, not only lose your own life, you will be at a loss!This is something he will never allow to happen.If it doesn't work, he can only withdraw temporarily!

"What else can we do? Let's do it together and make a quick decision!" Ryan said with a cold snort.

Zhuo Yifan didn't pay attention to these two people, and squatted silently on the spot for a long time before slowly standing up.

When Ryan and Mr. Qin saw Zhuo Yifan's face clearly, they almost all gasped.Because Zhuo Yifan's eyes were blood-red at this time, as if they were congested with blood, and they were so red that they emitted a cautious red light, which made people feel palpitations.

"Is this guy a human or a monster?" Mr. Qin couldn't help cursing angrily.

"You... are all going to die!" Zhuo Yifan said coldly without any expression on his face, and then he seemed to have entered a state of rage, and rushed towards Mr. Qin who was closest to him .

If the two brothers from the Tang Sect in Central Shu, or Leng Feng saw Zhuo Yifan at this time, he would definitely think that the scene of Zhuo Yifan's madness a few months ago was repeated again.However, this time compared to the last time, the energy contained in it has jumped several times in horror.

"This guy seems to be crazy! Hurry up and help!" Mr. Qin was chased by Zhuo Yifan and ran around, yelling at Ryan.He was seriously injured, and his movements were naturally much slower.Fortunately, at this time, Zhuo Yifan was also running around chaotically, and his agility and speed were not displayed at all.Otherwise, the ten Mr. Qin would have died long ago!

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