super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3040 Found Zhao Zhengming 1

"Well! Let's go this afternoon! Go and pack up and bring your things. I'll contact the Long family and I'm going to leave the country in the afternoon and go to the Netherlands!" Zhao Zhengming thought for a while, and immediately made a decision.The news of Zhuo Yifan's death made him feel a little overwhelmed.

"Great! Let's get ready!" Several young people cheered and ran towards their room.They are all people who fled with Zhao Zhengming from China. They have been suffocating in this basement for several months. They are so excited to be free again!

"Hmph! Zhuo Yifan, wait for me to go back and get all your women into bed. You are destined to be no match for me!" Zhao Zhengming said with a sneer in his eyes, with a sneer.

In the Hilton Hotel, all the girls were helpless in the room, waiting anxiously for any news about Zhuo Yifan.At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.

The angel frowned in surprise, glanced at the girls, and then came to the door alone and opened the door.But saw Doreen standing in front of the door with a smile and looking at herself.

"Doreen?" the angel asked in surprise.

"Hello! Excuse me, is Zhuo in the room?" Doreen smiled and greeted the angel and the girls, then looked around the room and asked.

" not here!" Angel explained with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

Doreen frowned when she heard the words: "Not here? He clearly said that he would wait for me in the room this morning! How could he not be here?"

"Come in and talk!" the angel said to Doreen helplessly, and let her into the room.

After entering the room, Doreen did not see Zhuo Yifan's figure, so she believed that the angel did not deceive herself.And seeing the faint anxiety and worry on the faces of all the girls, I realized that there were still some tear stains on the pretty faces of Angel and Wisteria. What's the matter?"

"Don't worry!" the angel pressed Doreen's shoulders helplessly, let her sit on the sofa, and then explained in a low voice beside her: "He went out to do some business last night, and he hasn't come back yet. We are also waiting for news from him! Don't worry too much!"

"No! You all look preoccupied, you must know something. Did something happen to him? Who told me?" Doreen looked at the girls suspiciously, and then asked anxiously, frowning.

"You came to see him today, what's the matter?" Fenghuang suddenly asked calmly.

"My mother invited him to our house today. He promised me to pick him up this morning! You said he wasn't there, something must have happened!" Doreen explained casually.

"Your mother's invitation?" Fenghuang couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and sighed helplessly: "It seems that you and him have already decided to be together!"

"That's right! I like Zhuo, and I will be his woman for the rest of my life! Which one of you told me what happened to him?" Doreen nodded and continued to ask anxiously.

"The angel just said that there is no news about him yet! We are all waiting for his news! If you want to know too, then wait with us!" Fenghuang explained helplessly.

When Doreen heard this, she seemed to have collapsed, she sat on the sofa in a daze, and didn't say a word at first.This expression was almost the same as that of Angel and the others when they heard the news that Zhuo Yifan had been taken away last night.

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