super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3042 Found Zhao Zhengming 3

Three hours later, on a civilian pier along the Thames.The Elizabeth cruise liner is ready for another voyage.The destination of this voyage happened to be the Netherlands, the other side of the British Empire, and it took less than two days to sail from the British mainland.The end of the itinerary is Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands.

At noon at the pier, a dedicated channel was isolated.Someone saw Prince Andrew, who seemed to have appeared on the cruise ship.

On Bar Street, several figures in black cloaks flashed into a shiny black business car, and then drove towards the Thames River.

Xie Dongting and Qingyan suddenly walked out from the coffee shop opposite the bar.

"Are you sure?" Qing Yan frowned and asked.

"That's right! It should be them! Xiaofan made a good move!" Xie Dongting couldn't help admiring.

"When shall we do it?" Qing Yan asked with a frown.

"Wait a little longer!" Xie Dongting said with a light smile.

"Why hasn't he mentioned it to us? Did you guys discuss it in private?" Qing Yan asked angrily.

Xie Dongting couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I only found out after I arrived in England!"

"Should I tell them the news first? I feel uncomfortable seeing them like this!" Qing Yan frowned and asked.

"Wait. I'll let Xiaofan call them later!" Xie Dongting sighed, and said helplessly: "This kind of thing, his appearance is more convincing!"

As soon as the black commercial vehicle drove onto the road along the Thames River, it sped all the way towards the pier where the Elizabeth was docked.Zhao Zhengming and others in the car all showed excited expressions on their faces.Seeing the sun at last is more attractive to them than any beauty!

"It's finally out! Staying in that dark place all day, you're going to be moldy!" one of the youths complained.

Zhao Zhengming frowned involuntarily, and asked coldly, "What? If you don't like it, you can go back!"

The young man couldn't help shivering when he heard the words, and quickly explained with a smile: "I didn't mean that, Mr. Zhao, please don't get me wrong! Of course I want to be by your side!"

Zhao Zhengming snorted coldly, but at this moment, the car suddenly shook, and all the people in the car fell forward involuntarily, and managed to stabilize their bodies in a hurry.

The car stopped suddenly, because two concrete isolation piers suddenly appeared on the road ahead.The car can't pass normally at all.

"What's going on?" Zhao Zhengming couldn't help frowning, and asked the driver dissatisfied.

"I don't know! I'll go down and have a look!" The driver looked at the two isolation piers with some doubts, opened the door and walked down.

A bad premonition suddenly surged in Zhao Zhengming's heart.Why did this happen to me after I came out?Did someone do it on purpose?

Under tension, Zhao Zhengming couldn't help but poke his head around, looking around.

"I don't know who actually put up a barrier in the middle of the road. The police probably put it here last night. No wonder there are no people on this road!" The driver cursed unluckily, and then returned to the car.

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