super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3060 The Son-in-Law Visits 7

"No, Cousin Donia! I just didn't expect the two of you to come over suddenly, and I was a little surprised!" Doreen quickly shook her head and explained.

"Are we still good sisters?" Donia asked softly with a knowing smile.

"Of course! We will always be good sisters!" Doreen nodded happily.

"Okay, in order to wait for you, we are all hungry and have not eaten! Hurry up and eat in the restaurant!" Stephen said to the crowd with a smile, and did not deliberately greet Zhuo Yifan, acting very casual.

Zhuo Yifan liked this feeling, but if Stephen was too enthusiastic, he would not be used to it.Well, that's how my family should be.

Ryan suddenly remembered something, took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and handed the charger and battery to Zhuo Yifan and said: "This is yours, return it to you! The matter of not being allowed to take the mobile phone in the future will let you know." I'm upset!"

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help laughing, and under the surprised eyes of the two girls, he put the phone into his suit pocket.

After everyone was seated in the restaurant, a maid had already arranged the table and served all the meals.Zhuo Yifan looked at the rice in the bowl curiously, and asked in puzzlement, "Could it be that the British are also eating rice now?"

Stephen smiled and said: "This is specially prepared for you! I hope you can feel at home here! Don't you Chinese people like to eat rice? Let's try it together today!"

The smile on Zhuo Yifan's face deepened. Stephen's words undoubtedly regarded him as one of his own, and it seemed that he had accepted the fact that Doreen was with him!A big stone in my heart was finally let go.

Everyone had a very pleasant meal.During the period, I didn't say anything about sensitive issues, just talking about some trivial matters.However, the two couples did not forget the scene of loving each other while eating, which made Stephen smile helplessly.

Probably because he was not used to rice, so Stephen finished his meal quickly.Young people also eat faster, and a lunch comes to an end.Everyone retreated from the dining room to the living room on the first floor.

The servant quickly served a cup of coffee for all five of them, and then retreated to the kitchen to continue packing the tableware.Zhuo Yifan and the others sat in the living room and chatted.

"Mr. Zhuo! I'm sorry for what happened last night!" Stephen said suddenly, the expressions on everyone's faces became a little weird.

"Why did Madam say that? I don't understand!" Zhuo Yifan asked with some doubts.

"Actually, I got wind of the fact that the royal family and the Long family were planning to deal with you before last night, but I didn't open my mouth to remind you! I don't know if you will hate me because of this, but I think it's better to put I will tell you the truth about this matter! In addition, Ryan told me his intentions long ago, and he has no thoughts about Doreen, and what I said to you before was all to test you!" Stephen said truthfully.

Zhuo Yifan listened calmly, without showing much surprise.On the contrary, Doreen frowned slightly, as if she had a lot of thoughts.

"Ma'am, the matter is over, we don't need to mention these things that make us unhappy and embarrassing! You are Doreen's mother, and I will show you due respect. No matter what you have done before, I will It can be regarded as your test for me, and it is indeed the case, isn't it?" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

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