super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3080 Counterattack 8

"What do you mean?" Mr. Qin asked with some hesitation after his expression changed.

"Everything you can think of, Zhuo Yifan can think of it too. Zhuo Yifan must have the same idea as you, thinking that girl Doreen is absolutely safe! Why don't we do the opposite and just treat Doreen How about?" Socrates asked with a sneer.

"Are you really not afraid of the Morgan consortium's revenge? Even if you are an A-level power user, there are plenty of people who can take care of you!" Mr. Qin asked with some doubts.

"I'm not going to kill her, I'm just taking advantage of Zhuo Yifan's concern for her! Who told you that I have to do something to Doreen?" Socrates said with a sneer.

"You mean..." Mr. Qin seemed to understand something, and his eyes widened.

"Let Doreen disappear for a while, and after Zhuo Yifan has been dealt with, let her appear again! Although this will offend the Morgan family, it will not cause the relationship to become completely deadlocked. At least the Morgan family will not be overwhelmed by this matter." , at the expense of family power to destroy our trident gang?" Socrates explained with a sneer.

When Mr. Qin heard the words, he couldn't help pondering.

"This is a good idea. But how to implement it?" Mr. Qin pondered for a long time, then suddenly nodded and asked.

"I know mind control, have you forgotten? Especially the mind control of ordinary people, they can't escape my control!" Socrates explained with a lewd smile.

Mr. Qin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what Socrates meant. He nodded and smiled quickly: "Okay! Just follow your way. I'll make arrangements right away. When will I do it?"

"Tomorrow! Zhuo Yifan, you're not so lucky this time!" Socrates said with a sneer.

"Okay! Then I'll make arrangements first!" Mr. Qin nodded with a sneer, then walked out of the hall and went downstairs without looking back.

After Mr. Qin left, Socrates sneered suddenly with a distorted and ferocious expression on his face, and said through gritted teeth: "Zhuo Yifan, I will repay you twice the pain I have suffered on me these days!"

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………

At this time, Zhuo Yifan returned to the car along the street with Doreen in his arms, and then smiled at her and said, "Get in the car first! I'll wait for someone to come over here!"

"Yeah!" Doreen nodded, and then got into the co-pilot of the car, but kept her eyes on Zhuo Yifan outside the car without blinking, as if she was afraid that he would disappear suddenly.

Zhuo Yifan could only smile at the nervous Doreen.

At this time, at the intersection of the street on the other side, suddenly a few young people with oriental faces came towards this side.Zhuo Yifan then turned his head and set his eyes on those people.

"Master Zhuo!" The leading young man came to Zhuo Yifan and bowed respectfully.This is the etiquette that Lei Long, as a servant of the Zhuo family, must do to the young master!

"You are Thunder Dragon?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"Yes, my subordinate is Thunder Dragon! Regarding your arrival in London, I only received the news from my family after the accident last night. Fortunately, the young master was out of danger, otherwise I probably won't be able to afford it this time. Let's go!" Lei Long quickly nodded and explained.

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