super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3100 Killing with a Knife 4

The car continued to move forward, and a large area of ​​grassland and farms could already be seen, but there was still no shadow of the Resurrection City.There were not many pedestrians along the way, and after finally asking two people, no one knew where the Resurrection City was.

Just when the group was about to give up their search, the last old British man on the side of the road gave them hope.

"You... looking for the Resurrection City? What are you looking for in that ghostly place?" The old man looked at Zhuo Yifan and the others and asked in puzzlement, with a hint of surprise and horror in his eyes, wondering what the Resurrection City was Bad omen.

"We have something very important and we need to go to that place. If you know, can you tell us?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"You guys are too courageous. The Resurrection City is not a place that ordinary people go to. It's just an abandoned ghost castle! There are [-] evil spirits living in it. Are you going to die?" the old man kindly reminded .

Zhuo Yifan and the others couldn't help but glance at each other. It seems that this resurrection city is really a bit tricky.

"We are not going into the Resurrection City, we are just picking up a friend around the Resurrection City! If you know, I hope you can guide us there!" Xie Dongting explained.

"Okay, since you have to go, I'll tell you. Go east for three miles, and you will see an abandoned fork. The road is difficult to walk. There are rocks and big pits everywhere. Cars probably won't be able to get through it. You can only walk. Fortunately, the road to Resurrection City is not far, only about a mile, and you can see a huge black castle in the distance. That is the Resurrection City you are looking for! But I still remind You guys, don't go into that place out of curiosity. It is rumored that those who went in either didn't come out, or went crazy after coming out! You are still young, don't do stupid things!" After the old man pointed out the route, he didn't Forgot to remind a few people to say.

"Don't worry, we won't go in, thank you, goodbye!" Xie Dongting nodded, started the car again, and drove in the direction directed by the old man.

After driving for about three miles, I saw an abandoned path. Just like the old man said, the car could not pass at all, because there were too many stones on the road, especially some big stones, which were impossible for vehicles to pass through. .The four of them could only find a place to park the car, and then walked into the path.

At their speed, it didn't take long for the four of them to cover a mile.Just as the old man said, the four of them soon saw the end of the road, and there was a huge black castle, which seemed to be connected to the end of the sky, giving people a terrifying and eerie feeling, which made several people frown .

"Why did Socrates choose such a damn place?" Qing Yan wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction and complained.

"Don't worry, with the strength of the four of us, even if there are ghosts, they will run away when they see us!" Zhuo Yifan said with a light smile.

After the four of them walked a little further, they were already approaching the castle, and their footsteps slowed down accordingly.Looking at the castle up close, the majestic momentum and eerie feeling began to magnify infinitely, which made Zhuo Yifan feel an indescribable awkwardness in his heart.

"Socrates has indeed been here. I can feel his breath!" Ryan frowned suddenly, reminding him.

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