super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3124 Crazier pursuit 5

"Go out from here and you can enter Osaka! But I guess there are still police at the intersection, we have to bypass them!" Hou Qing said to Zhuo Yifan.

A group of people ran wildly in the jungle for a whole morning, and finally entered the downtown area of ​​Osaka.But Kudo Yoshikazu didn't expect that the police even dispatched the armed helicopters, but they failed to deal with Zhuo Yifan. I really don't know what to eat.After all, no matter how powerful you are, you can't fight against shells, right?But it happened that Zhuo Yifan ran away!

Hou Qing brought Zhuo Yifan and others to a residential area.Here is an old house he bought from a couple three years ago.There are probably similar buildings around, but the environment looks quiet and peaceful.

"Although the conditions are a bit rough, it's still very safe here. Young master, you just make do with it! I have to get the car back. When I went to find you just now, the car stopped by the highway! Che, it will be easier for you to move in the future!" Hou Qing said to Zhuo Yifan after he settled Zhuo Yifan and others in his small house.

"No problem! You go and come back quickly, neither the police nor the other party should know your identity, so they won't suspect you!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

Only then did Hou Qing leave her little house, and went back to the highway intersection to pick up the car.

"Kudou! We've arrived in Osaka now, do you know where the Iwasaki River might be?" Zhuo Yifan waited for Kudo to rest for a while, and then asked him after he was relieved.

"This... If he is in Osaka, he will definitely be mixed with Ishida Shoroku! Iwasaki Chuan originally settled in Hyogo, which is very close to the headquarters where the team leader is, but I think it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen. He is still in Hyogo. And Osaka is not far from Hyogo. I’m sure he probably hid on the territory of the Osaka Chapter Friends Association! As long as Ishida Shoroku is found out, I can definitely find out the whereabouts of Iwasakigawa! " Kudo Jiro explained.

"Then do you know how to find Ishida Zhangliu?" Zhuo Yifan asked again.

"I'm not very clear about this. But Zhangyouhui is still very famous in Osaka. I do know one or two of them. If I can follow the vines to find them, I might be able to attract Ishida Shoroku!" Kudo Jiro hesitated Said.

"Okay!! Then you have a good rest first. I'll meet this Ishida Shoroku tonight!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, his eyes sparkling.

Not long after, Hou Qing took the car back and brought Zhuo Yifan and the others a hearty lunch by the way.However, the delicacies of this island country made Zhuo Yifan a little bit at a loss. In the end, Hou Qing ordered a few bowls of noodles before Zhuo Yifan ate them up.

"You were outside just now, did you notice anything?" After filling his stomach, Zhuo Yifan looked at Hou Qing and asked casually.In fact, with his physical fitness, he won't feel hungry without eating for a few days, and eating is just a habit for him!

"I was just about to tell the young master. When I went to pick up the car just now, I just saw a group of self-defense forces entering the downtown area of ​​Osaka! It looks like there are more than 100 people!" Hou Qing said disapprovingly, with the slightest expression. It looks like he doesn't take the Self-Defense Forces seriously.It is estimated that this kid has had little contact with the Self-Defense Forces before.

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