super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3137 Provocation Begins 4

Tanaka had been thrown so badly that his internal organs were about to be displaced, he couldn't get up from the ground at all, but a pair of tiger eyes stared at Zhuo Yifan unwillingly, as if he wanted to eat him.

"'re dead!" Tanaka gritted his teeth and squeezed out these few words.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but chuckled, then grabbed Tanaka's throat, and with a little force, Tanaka's whole body trembled, and before he could wave his hands, he didn't catch his breath, and his throat was cut off .

At this time, a large number of Zhang Youhui boys turned back from the outside again.I was shocked when I saw the scene in the hall.

"Kill! Don't let any one go!" Zhuo Yifan coldly gave the order to attack, and a samurai sword appeared in his hand, and he picked it up from the dead man.

Chen Meili and Hou Qing rushed towards the fifty or sixty men in suits without any nonsense.Holding samurai swords in their hands, the three figures killed all of these people on the ground within ten seconds.Blood had already stained the entire floor of the hall, and it was a horrible scene, like Shura's hell.

"There are still people up there! One floor alone, and finally meet on the fifth floor!" Zhuo Yifan looked upstairs, and he sensed that the people downstairs, except for Tanaka, were just insignificant younger brothers.There are at least 100 people hiding upstairs, and many of them are still there.

Chen Meili and Hou Qing nodded, and the three quickly ran upstairs with their knives in hand.

Five minutes later, the three figures of Zhuo Yifan appeared at the door of the clubhouse.And the siren sounded from far and near.

"People from the Metropolitan Police Department are here, let's get out of here first!" Chen Meili looked at the end of the street and said to Zhuo Yifan and the others.

The three people killed a total of 130 people upstairs, including 82 people downstairs including Tanaka, and killed a total of 210 people!But these are insignificant little characters, and they can be regarded as a little interest that Zhuo Yifan took back first!

The three of them quickly got into the car and drove directly towards Beichen Dojo.

In front of the Tianchuan clubhouse behind him, dozens of police cars quickly blocked the intersection of the street, and a large number of policemen surrounded the entire clubhouse on three floors and three floors outside.Because of the angel's attack on the communication system, the police service desk of the Metropolitan Police Department was temporarily paralyzed. As a result, the speed of dispatching the police became the slowest in the history of the Osaka police.

Seeing more than 200 corpses from the first to fifth floors, the policemen were so dumbfounded that they almost vomited out today's dinner.This method is too bloody, right?

However, in the investigation and evidence collection of the surrounding witnesses, it was soon confirmed that there were a large number of members of the four-member group fighting among themselves, and this incident was attributed to the gang shopping caused by the four-member group fighting.Because all the computers in the central control room were damaged, it would be impossible to investigate what happened inside for a while, but what made the police puzzled was that the group of people who came to attack the Zhang Youhui retreated within 5 minutes after entering the clubhouse. In this short amount of time, it is difficult to kill from the first floor to the fifth floor, let alone kill all the people inside!What exactly is going on?

"What is Beichen Dojo?" Sitting in the car, Zhuo Yifan asked faintly to Chen Meili who was beside him.

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