super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3139 Beichen Dojo 1

"Baga, where are those three people?" On the armed helicopter, the middle-aged man sitting in the deputy's seat couldn't help but cursed.

The pilot who was flying the helicopter guessed and said: "They should have fled to a nearby building! Let the ground police force surround this area, and then conduct a carpet search, they should be able to find them, and transfer two more Helicopters, if they try to escape, we can spot them from the air!"

"A bunch of useless idiots!" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and cursed, still following what the pilot said, he sent a search order to the ground troops directly through the walkie-talkie!

Across three streets, Zhuo Yifan looked at the helicopter circling in the distance, a sneer appeared on Zhuo Yifan's face.The speed of the three of them is several times faster than that of a car.As early as when the police and the Self-Defense Forces surrounded that block, they had already fled three streets away!

"How far is Beichen Dojo from here?" Zhuo Yifan looked at Chen Meili and asked.

"At the speed of the three of us, if we walk there, the fastest time is 15 minutes." Chen Meili frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Then let's go! Get to the Beichen Dojo as fast as you can, so as not to be run away by those two bastards!" Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly, and the figure had disappeared at the end of the street.Naturally, Chen Meili and Hou Qing didn't dare to delay, so they quickly moved and followed.

People came and went on the street, but no one found Zhuo Yifan and the three of them.Even among the crowd, those who passed by just felt a gust of wind blowing past them, but they couldn't see anything abnormal.

"Your speed is still a bit slower!" The three of them finally stopped, and Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but said helplessly.Because he didn't know the way, he could only follow Chen Meili and the other along the way.But the speed of these two guys was still too slow for Zhuo Yifan.

Chen Meili and Hou Qing couldn't help but looked at each other, their faces turned red.They had already put all their energy into feeding just now, and they ran down this trip, but they were not as relaxed as Zhuo Yifan. They felt so soft all over that they could hardly use their strength!

"Master, we've tried our best! It's only twelve minutes!" Hou Qing took a few breaths, looked at his watch, and explained embarrassingly.

Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly, then looked at a wooden manor not far away, squinted his eyes and asked, "Is this the Beichen Dojo?"

"That's right! That's the martial arts dojo of the Beichen family in Osaka. Most of the villas and residential areas near this area belong to the Beichen family's private property, and we may be discovered by the other party at any time!" Chen Meili looked at the movement around, He narrowed his eyes and said.A ray of light shot out of Danfeng's long and narrow eyes, looking straight at the gate of the dojo not far away.

After feeling the breath in the dojo, Zhuo Yifan discovered two relatively powerful forces.It's just that the distance is too far, and I'm still not sure what level the opponent's strength has reached.As for other auras of low strength, there were too many of them, and Zhuo Yifan didn't pay attention to these people at all.

"Master, should we break in directly, or sneak into the manor first and wait for an opportunity?" Hou Qing asked.

"There's no need to be sneaky. Let's go in directly!" Zhuo Yifan sneered, and then sent a message to the angel.The general content is to paralyze the network system, alarm system, urban electricity and traffic of the entire Osaka Metropolitan Police Department for half an hour!At that time, the whole of Osaka will be in chaos, and by the time the police catch up and arrive here, they will have already dealt with everything that should be dealt with!Half an hour is enough for Zhuo Yifan and the others.

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