super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3146 Battle of Tennin 4

With a relaxed smile on Zhuo Yifan's face, he stared at Iwasaki Chuan and asked lightly: "My patience is limited. Give me an answer! If I want, even if I exchange my two lives with Yazi for all present Human life is worth it! However, I don't know if you think it's worth it!"

Iwasakigawa's face was livid with anger, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, but at this moment he couldn't say a word of cruelty!

"Okay! I agree to your request. But that girl is locked in one of my secret strongholds, which is far away from here..." Iwasakigawa was silent for a long time, and then he gritted his teeth and said.

"Needless to say..." Zhuo Yifan directly interrupted Iwasakigawa's words, and said lightly: "There is no need to send her here! Send someone to send her directly to the nearest Yamada Incheon! I think you know How to do it!"

Iwasakigawa couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect Zhuo Yifan to be impeccable in his work!The reason why he agreed to return Yazi Yamada to Zhuo Yifan was because You Tianren was present.As long as Zhuo Yifan can be killed, Yazi Yamada will fall into his hands sooner or later.But if it was sent directly back to Yamada Incheon, the situation would be different!

"What? Regret it? What are you planning in your mind, do you think I don't know?" Zhuo Yifan sneered, and warned lightly: "Don't play tricks on me, this is related to your wealth and life!"

"Okay! I promise you!" After gritting his teeth, Iwasakigawa took out his mobile phone and called the subordinates who were guarding Yamada Yazi.

Seeing that Iwasaki Chuan hung up the phone, Zhuo Yifan said with a smile: "As long as I am sure that Yazi Yamada is safe, you can leave naturally. The rest of the matter is what I have to endure, and it has nothing to do with you! "

Iwasakigawa's face was gloomy, and the faces of Ishida Shoroku and others were even more ugly.I didn't expect that everything was in my calculations, but I didn't expect that the situation would suddenly turn around, and I and others would be threatened by Zhuo Yifan instead!This is no wonder others.If they could secretly arrange Tianren to deal with Zhuo Yifan, maybe there would be no such trouble.But if they wanted to see Zhuo Yifan's death with their own eyes, they would have to be unlucky!

"Do you want to do it?" That Tianren was obviously a little impatient!

"Wait a little longer. Half an hour at most. After we leave, you can do nothing to him again!" Beichen Pingchuan explained with some embarrassment.This Tianren was assigned to him by the priest, and he is the only one in the field who has the right to order Tianren when to act!

Tian Ren heard the words, and really gave up the idea of ​​doing anything, and the whole person became quiet again, just standing in place like a wooden pole.

And for half an hour, Zhuo Yifan was not idle.The electronic watch in his hand has already sent more than a dozen messages to the angel!

Half an hour later, Iwasakigawa's cell phone rang first.After the old man answered the phone, his face was full of unwillingness, but he was obviously relieved.

"Zhuo Yifan, I have done what you asked me to do! Can you let us leave now?" Iwasakigawa asked Zhuo Yifan in a cold voice.

Zhuo Yifan did not answer Iwasakigawa directly, but took out his mobile phone, installed the electric board, turned it on slowly, and then dialed the phone number of Yamada Incheon.

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