super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3163 Headquarters Building 2

"Uncle Yamada, this news really shocked my nephew! Why didn't I know about it?" Xiao Linzheng's face turned pale in an instant. It was obvious that this boy brought him more than just shock. He saw a sense of loss in his eyes.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, Xiao Linzheng is not interested in Yamada Yazi, right?

"Xiaolin, Xiaofan is the man Yazi chose. I didn't know about it until later. I can't blame me! I know your feelings for Yazi, but Yazi didn't choose you! There are many good girls, I also hope that you can listen to Uncle's words! And Yazi can come back safely this time, it's all thanks to Xiaofan!" Yamada Renchuan said earnestly.

Zhuo Yifan showed a clear expression. Hearing what Yamada Incheon said, his own guess is still correct!However, Zhuo Yifan explained with a wry smile to the credit that Yamada Incheon said: "This is what I should do. ARTISTRY is my woman, and I will not let her suffer any harm!"

This news surprised Xiao Linzheng even more, he widened his eyes and said: "It turned out that Mr. Zhuo was responsible for Yazi's release yesterday!"

"That's right! Xiaofan is a good young man. Xiaolinzheng, you have to study hard with Xiaofan!" Yamada Incheon nodded with a smile.

There was a bitter smile on Xiao Linzheng's face, his face was slightly red, and he said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Zhuo, it is indeed a good match for Yazi, but I am not good enough for Yazi! But I will study hard with Mr. Zhuo, and strive to You can become a person like Mr. Zhuo! Make Yazi stand out!"

These words sounded like a declaration of war, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.Listening to the meaning in the words, Kobayashi is still planning to continue to pursue Yamada Yazi!

"Xiao Linzheng, uncle has made his words so clear, don't tell me you still treat Yazi..." Yamada Incheon's face changed slightly, and he said with a frown.

But before he finished speaking, Xiao Linzheng interrupted him: "Uncle and Mr. Zhuo must not be misunderstood. Even if Mr. Zhuo is with Yazi, I can still be Yazi's brother. I treat her now as Brother's feelings for sister, you two can rest assured! It's time for me to find a good sister-in-law for my elegant sister!"

"Your boy... it's good if you can figure it out!" Yamada Incheon said with satisfaction after hearing the words, showing a gratified smile.

"Mr. Xiao Lin, there are not so many polite words between men, it's too false! Since you are the elder brother of Yazi, you are my elder brother! If you need me in the future, just ask!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.He could see that Xiao Linzheng's words were sincere. Although he had only been in contact with him for half an hour, the overall feeling for him was not bad.Everyone gave up, and Zhuo Yifan didn't mind making friends with him!

"Mr. Zhuo is too polite!" Xiao Linzheng said with some embarrassment.

"You still say I'm being polite. Call me Xiaofan from now on! You're my own, so I'll call you Brother Xiaolin!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Okay, both of you don't want to be polite. This girl, Yazi, was very excited when she heard that you are coming soon! She came to my place just now and asked when you will arrive. Now she is probably changing in her own room." Clothes. You are a fiancé, hurry up!" Yamada Incheon said with a smile.

"Then about your father..." Zhuo Yifan was thinking about Yamada Yazi in his heart, but this time he came to the island country mainly because of Yamada Incheon's affairs, and he just couldn't save face.

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