super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3185 Horror Outbreak 5

Fortunately, Zhuo Yifan's dodge was slow and a little stiff, and Nakamura Wunan's knife still hit him on the head.Zhuo Yifan's body was forced to pause again.While Nakamura Wuo breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't dare to delay for a moment and ran towards the direction of the siren.The only ones who can save themselves now are these policemen!

When Zhuo Yifan resumed his actions again, the blood red in his eyes had faded a lot.Although his body is still out of control, Zhuo Yifan has recovered a little bit of consciousness.He would like to thank Nakamura Wunan for this method of beheading with a knife, which helped consume a lot of the excess fire spirit in his body.As long as he cuts a few more times, I guess I can return to normal!

After Nakamura Wunan ran a few hundred meters away, his heart sank when he saw Zhuo Yifan's body move again.He had already turned from a small road into a street, and rushed up to the police car speeding across.

In the middle of the road, a man in black stood in the middle, what a strange scene it was.Several police cars stopped involuntarily, looking at Nakamura Wunan in front of him, he couldn't help being dumbfounded!OK?Are you shooting Naruto?

"Wanted criminal! Zhuo Yifan, he's coming soon!" Nakamura didn't talk nonsense, but yelled, and quickly hid behind those police cars.

And Zhuo Yifan, who was covered in blood, had already rushed to the street with Nakamura Wunan at this time. He seemed to be a little irritable because of the lively and noisy environment, and was stunned for a moment.And his appearance stunned everyone on the street, including the police!

After a while, everyone reacted.Those policemen pulled out their pistols one after another as if facing a big enemy, and shouted at Zhuo Yifan: "Zhuo Yifan, you are already surrounded, quickly raise your hands and surrender!"

The people around were terrified when they saw Zhuo Yifan. Now that the police escaped with their guns, a large number of people scattered and fled.

An irritable anger surged up in Zhuo Yifan's heart, and he couldn't recognize what the policeman was holding in his hand, so he rushed up to the policeman who yelled the most.

After several gunshots, Zhuo Yifan froze in place.Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen police cars drove over from the other side of the street. A large number of policemen surrounded Zhuo Yifan and pointed guns at his head.

Regarding the dozens of police guns in the dark surroundings, Zhuo Yifan was extremely nervous.He has never been so afraid of guns, even when he was pointed at by a group of officers and soldiers outside the Xishan villa area, he has never been so nervous.Mainly because of his current state, he didn't think he could withstand dozens or even hundreds of bullets being fired at the same time!After all, the body is still out of my control, if something goes wrong, wouldn't my life be about to die?

Zhuo Yifan was nervous, and those policemen were even more nervous than him.Is this bloody guy in front of him the wanted criminal named Zhuo Yifan?What kind of appearance does this guy appear on the stage?This is too shocking, right?And the hearts of the policemen who shot at Zhuo Yifan were even more beating.Obviously he had already shot Zhuo Yifan's body, why did he not react at all, but stood straight on the spot.Not to mention bleeding all over the body, not even a bullet hole was found.

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