super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3190 Shinto threat 1

"Aren't you happy? I finally saw a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough, you should be happy for me!" Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise when he saw Qingyan's look of worrying about gains and losses.But soon he guessed something, and gradually understood.He had forgotten that this girl was also at the peak of innate talent, and she also had longings for the stage of becoming a god.Now that she has touched the threshold of the way of heaven, but she still has nothing to gain, Zhuo Yifan can naturally understand the loss in her heart.

"Don't think too much. Don't forget, you are a body of ice. As long as the two of us are together, I will break through, and it will not be difficult for you to break through!" Zhuo Yifan could not help comforting softly.

At this time, the angel on the side curled his lips unhappily, and hummed softly and said, "Don't you worry about my feelings? I'm still in the early stages of congenital status!"

"What is the early stage of congenital?" At this time, the voice of Yamada Yazi rang out.It turned out that she had brought the clothes for Zhuo Yifan from downstairs.

"It's nothing, why have you been there for so long?" Zhuo Yifan changed the topic, looked at Azi Yamada and asked with some doubts.Could it be that this dress was bought just now?

"Oh! Dad and Grandpa Sato were leaving just now, so I sent them outside!" Yamada Yazi explained casually, then handed all the clothes in her hand to Zhuo Yifan and said, "Here, the clothes you want !"

Zhuo Yifan took the clothes and put them on in front of the three women.The three women didn't take it seriously.Anyway, where did Zhuo Yifan go up and down that they haven't seen yet?It's just that the scene in front of them still made them blush slightly.

"I've made you worry these days!" Zhuo Yifan said apologetically, looking at the three women after getting dressed.

"As long as you're fine!" Yazi Yamada gently helped Zhuo Yifan straighten his collar, and said softly.

A smile appeared on Zhuo Yifan's face, and he pinched Yamada Yazi's soft and boneless little hand, and asked suspiciously: "By the way, what is this place? Why was I sent here instead of your home? "

Yamada Yazi explained with some depression: "I also want to take you back, but my father doesn't allow it. This is a villa he bought for me, but the name is not under my name and my father's, saying that it is safer here , others would never think that you are here, that's why we brought you here!"

Hearing what Yamada Yazi said, Zhuo Yifan somewhat understood.There was such a big commotion that night, presumably the government and the Shinto people wanted to get rid of themselves and hurry up, right?In this way, no matter whether it is in the headquarters of the group of four or in the mansion in Yamada Incheon, it is estimated that it will not be safe. Instead, this anonymous villa is a place that no one would think of!

"It seems that the situation outside is not optimistic. Both your father and Grandpa Sato have to hide me!" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but sighed.

"Your safety is the most important thing. Where does it matter?" Yamada Yazi said softly.

Zhuo Yifan smiled slightly, then nodded and said, "You're right, now that I'm awake, there's no need to hide here anymore! Take me to your house now!"

Zhuo Yifan and his three daughters were going to Yamada's mansion in Incheon, while the Yasukuni Shrine on the other side seemed much quieter these days.This quietness does not mean that the Shintoists have calmed down, but rather, there is a sense of the wind and rain that is about to come.

"Master, I'm back!" Nakamura Wunan opened the door of the priest's room and said with his head down.

"Come in and talk!" the priest said lightly with a gloomy face.

Nakamura Wunan took off his shoes, walked into the room, and stood in front of the priest respectfully.

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