super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3203 Panic 4

"Send it to you grandma. I need you to send it to me! We have nuclear bombs in our car, if you are not convinced, you can just shoot. Anyway, the whole Tokyo is buried with us, even if you die, it is worth it!" Hou Qing didn't do it this time. Waiting for Zhuo Yifan's order, he yelled out the window.

The faces of the policemen all turned blue.What is the concept of a nuclear bomb?In the whole world, the one who has the most experience with nuclear bombs probably won't be able to find a second one besides the island country, right?They are the only country that has been hit by an atomic bomb, and there are still two.Although things have passed for decades, the haze is still there.

The claim that there was a nuclear bomb in the car quickly made the policemen into a mess, and they didn't know what to do with it!

"I repeat, we have nuclear bombs in our car, if you are not afraid of death, you just shoot, I promise tonight will be a night that will shock the whole world! Since you give us 1 minute, I will give you 1 minute of time , Immediately disappear in front of the little master. Otherwise, besides the nuclear bomb, I have other good things for you!" Hou Qing continued with a sneer.

"Don't be delusional, that's impossible. Give up resistance, get out of the car and surrender is your only way out!" The police shouted again.

"Master, these grandsons don't believe me!" Hou Qing said angrily.

"Then let them believe it!" Zhuo Yifan said lightly, there was no worry on his face.

Hou Qing's eyes lit up, he sneered, and took out a metal bomb from his bosom.After turning on the detonation switch, he threw it forcefully towards the intersection on one side.

Almost all the policemen stared wide-eyed, not knowing what Hou Qing threw out of the car window, but everyone had a bad premonition in their hearts.And there is a nuclear bomb in the car, even if they want to shoot, they can't do it.Before confirming the authenticity of the news, which policeman has the guts to drag the whole of Tokyo to fight with two gangsters?

A loud bang exploded three seconds later.The soaring flames resounded through the entire street accompanied by the wailing of countless policemen. The scene was even more shocking than what Zhuo Yifan made in Kobe a few days ago!

All the policemen were stunned. They didn't expect Zhuo Yifan and the others to have such a lethal weapon.

"This is a lesson for you. If you block our way again, I will blow you all to death. Of course, you can choose to attack, but the result will be a big explosion in Tokyo!" Hou Qing was very excited in the car He proudly clamored again.

The gang of policemen were completely panicked, but this time no one doubted what the gangsters in the car said. A street was quickly cleared, and the Metropolitan Police Department and the Self-Defense Forces really gave way.They can't afford to gamble, no one can afford such a responsibility.Not to mention whether there is a nuclear bomb in their car, even the devastating bomb in their hands is not something they can bear!They have paid the blood price for this.

"These police officers are pretty smart!" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help sneering when he saw the situation.

"Master, are we overplaying?" Hou Qing still asked a little uneasy after being excited.

"Too much? Didn't you say it wasn't exciting enough? Isn't it exciting?" Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise.

"Eh... stimulation is stimulation! It's just that the consequences..." Hou Qing said with some surprise.

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