So after thinking for a while, Zhuo Yifan decided to let these guys go for the time being.It's fine if they don't do anything, if they take the initiative to make trouble for themselves, then they will be dealt with at that time.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yifan speeded up the car again, and drove towards Tokyo at a fast speed.

The people in the two cars behind were so depressed. They went fast and slow for a while, and almost made a few people spit out.But no matter how hard they chased him this time, they never saw Zhuo Yifan's shadow.His car seemed to have evaporated.

"Master, Zhuo Yifan dumped us again!" Ninja said in a bitter tone.

"A bunch of idiots. When you're ready to go back, let's cut open your stomach in front of the high priest!" Nakamura Wunan was completely stunned this time!How did he cultivate such an idiot disciple?

Hearing that, the ninja trembled his hands, and almost crashed into the barrier on the side of the road with a car full of people!

At this time, Zhuo Yifan didn't have the time to talk to the people behind him anymore, so he rushed towards Tokyo at a fast speed.It would have taken more than two hours to travel, but it took him an hour to reach the outskirts of Tokyo.It's just that there are a bunch of traffic police behind him!

Zhuo Yifan didn't care so much, he drove directly into the urban area, and according to the navigation on the GPS, he drove directly in the direction of the Imperial Hotel.After the car drove into the parking lot of the Imperial Hotel, the police car behind it also roared in. Everyone in the parking lot was so frightened that they didn't know what was going on, and their eyes widened in astonishment.

Zhuo Yifan didn't bother to chat nonsense with those policemen happily, so he just walked past them with a sneer on his face.Next, another scene that surprised the citizens of Tokyo happened.The traffic police who were chasing Zhuo Yifan's car and who were about to attack him suddenly stopped their movements, but froze in place with blank expressions. Knowing that Zhuo Yifan disappeared in front of their eyes, they all Did not respond.

Just kidding, Zhuo Yifan's face has become a nightmare for all the police in Tokyo and even the entire island country, even the traffic police are no exception!

In this way, Zhuo Yifan walked into the gate of the Imperial Hotel majesticly amidst the attention of all the traffic policemen.The doorman at the door and the staff on duty were dumbfounded, and they all forgot what they were supposed to do, and stood there in a daze.

Zhuo Yifan didn't care about this, as soon as he entered the hall, he walked straight to the elevator on the inside.Take the elevator directly to the 28th floor.There were not many people in the elevator, besides him, there was a man and a woman, and they didn't talk much to each other.

Those two people got out of the elevator when they were on the tenth floor, and only Zhuo Yifan reached the 28th floor by himself, and then the elevator door opened, and he was greeted by four pairs of indifferent and sharp eyes.

It turned out that there were four big men in suits guarding outside the elevator room. Although they were not wearing military uniforms, Zhuo Yifan could still feel the fortitude and fighting spirit of soldiers on them. It was only after countless actual battles that the hail of bullets was able to create them. From the aura that came out, it can be seen that the four people in front of them are not ordinary soldiers.

Zhuo Yifan's guess was correct, these four people were members of the Central Guard Corps, strictly speaking, they were soldiers under brother-in-law Xie Dongting.It's a pity that these fighters don't know themselves.They were sent to the elevator room to perform security tasks, and naturally they would not allow any strange people to enter the 28th floor.

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