super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3238 Zhuo Yifan's progress 1

In the blink of an eye, loud bangs resounded one after another on the road.The power is really not enough, the smoke is filled, the dust is flying, and the area within a radius of 30 meters is almost shrouded in smoke.Nakamura Wunan saw it clearly. Seeing that Zhuo Yifan was still standing still at the moment of the explosion, before he was surprised, a sneer appeared on his face.No matter how powerful Zhuo Yifan is, he is not so powerful that he is not afraid of bombs, is he?Although the power of these grenades is not as powerful as Zhuo Yifan's metal bombs, they are not something that human flesh and blood can contend with!

A dense group of ninjas stood in place, the Japanese swords in their hands were still held high, but no one moved.

After Nakamura Wunan was excited, he immediately became worried again.This is the end?It's a little too easy to die, right?It's a pity that I was so worried before.

No... With Zhuo Yifan's speed, how could he not dodge?

There was so much smoke and dust that it was impossible to see what was going on inside.All the ninjas also looked at each other, not knowing what to do next!This is the first time they have encountered such a situation.In the past, they used knives in their hands to solve problems. Where did they use such things?Immediately, everyone looked at Nakamura Wunan.

But then their looks began to be exciting.Nakamura Wunan, who was far behind him and the others, actually had an extra person in front of him.And that person... Isn't that Zhuo Yifan?hell!All the ninjas wondered if they were dazzled.In terms of speed, ninjas are definitely good at speed. Zhuo Yifan passed dozens of ninjas in such a short period of time, spanned a distance of more than 100 meters, and arrived in front of Nakamura Wunan. It's a little bit hotter, isn't it?

Nakamura Wunan was also shocked by the sudden appearance of Zhuo Yifan.Is this guy a human or a ghost?He clearly saw him at the center of the explosion, and didn't even move. How did he escape at the moment of the explosion?Now it appeared in front of him in a grand manner, and he didn't even notice it at all.

Nakamura Wunan's balls are completely cold this time.It was frightened.

"I said, you should consider the conditions I gave. You don't want 1000 million dollars a year. Now I want to take your head, are you willing?" Zhuo Yifan stared at Wu Zhongcun with a sneer Male, said lightly.

Those hands just now really blocked his front, back, left, and right sides, and there was no way out at all.No matter where you run, you will be bombed.It's a pity that Nakamura Wunan and those ninjas underestimated Zhuo Yifan's speed!With a distance of more than 100 meters, our Comrade Nakamura will inevitably be dazzled, and this is no wonder for him.In fact, Zhuo Yifan moved the moment those ninjas threw the grenade.It's just that his movements are so fast that those ninjas can't even notice.What they saw, including Zhuo Yifan who was still standing in the same place that Nakamura Wunan saw, was nothing more than an afterimage released by our little Zhuo with his true energy and a little secretary.Although it didn't last long, that is, in the blink of an eye, it was enough to muddle through.

The corners of Nakamura Wunan's mouth twitched, he couldn't even think of resisting at this moment.It wasn't that he was afraid, but that he was completely shocked, or was stunned, and hadn't recovered yet.

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