super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3242 Zhuo Yifan's progress 1

At this time, Zhuo Yifan, who was staying with the three girls, sneezed involuntarily!No need to think about it, he also knew that the high priest must be talking about himself!It seems that he should be very satisfied with the big gift I gave him!Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on his face.

After the three girls arrived, they were arranged in a room by Chief No. [-].At this time, Zhuo Yifan's sneer aroused the interest of the three girls.As soon as Zhuo Yifan came back, before he could tell them what happened just now, he told them exactly what happened with Nakamura Wunan and a large group of ninjas.

"Exciting, really satisfying!" Both Angel and Yamada Yazi couldn't help applauding.

"Honey, your strength has indeed improved a lot!" Qing Yan focused on Zhuo Yifan's strength improvement.Judging from Zhuo Yifan's aura at the moment, she felt that her strength was another level lower than Zhuo Yifan's.Although it is not obvious, but in actual combat, it can reflect the obvious difference.Of course, there is no possibility of actual combat between her and Zhuo Yifan.

"Don't worry, you will be like me soon!" Zhuo Yifan knew what Qingyan was thinking, and smiled and threw the small bottle in his hand to Qingyan.

Qing Yan reached out to take it, and asked with some surprise: "What is this?"

"The Peiyuan Pill that the master gave me! I've already eaten one, and the other one is for you!" Zhuo Yifan explained casually.

Qing Yan's expression could not help but move, and only then did she fully understand.The rapid improvement of Zhuo Yifan's strength is not only because of his real improvement, but also has a lot to do with eating this Peiyuan Pill!You must know that although this elixir of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality does not have the effect of stimulating the growth of strength, it can maximize the true energy it possesses and make it a seamless one.This can also be regarded as a disguised increase in strength, even more hard-won than the soaring strength stimulated.

If it were in the world of Qingyan, there would be as many Peiyuan Pills as a cow's hair.The Peiyuan Pill for the peak innate masters is not difficult to get.But in this world, there can still be such good things, this is beyond Qingyan's imagination!

At 2:[-] p.m., Zhuo Yifan took the three girls on board the No. [-] Chief's transfer plane, ready to leave for China.The island nation is still in chaos.Because of the riots of the four-member group, people were panicked, and many gangs also took the opportunity to stir up trouble and eradicate dissidents, which made the island government even more troublesome.And this account, in the end, was all on Zhuo Yifan's head.Who let the thing be that he jumped up?

On the Shinto side, it was even more gnashing of teeth at Zhuo Yifan.The High Priest has made his decision.If Zhuo Yifan dared to set foot on the territory of the island country again, he didn't care about any international conventions, and he would kill this kid first.The loss of three Tennin and hundreds of ninjas is a huge blow to Shintoism. For the high priest himself, the three Tennin were cultivated by him, so how can he not feel distressed?

But Zhuo Yifan's departure, the island government also breathed a sigh of relief.The little devil is gone, so the country can stop for a while, right?And that nuclear warhead, with such a small size, is very expensive to manufacture.Although there are already many small-caliber nuclear warheads in the world, the cost of writing is too high, and the technical requirements are too strict. This can be seen from the angel's treasure to that nuclear warhead. Making such a fine and compact nuclear warhead is still in the experimental stage.

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