super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3263 Sad Abandoned Son 3

"What if I say there is no way to save him?" Long Xiangtian was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked in a deep voice.

Zhao Zhengyang's complexion changed, he stared at Long Xiangtian in disbelief and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Long Xiangtian smiled helplessly and said, "It's not that we don't want to save him, but we can't save him at all! Zhengming has already been imprisoned by the intelligence team sent by the government. He will be escorted back to China tomorrow! He will be imprisoned at that time." Qincheng Prison! I think you know exactly what Qincheng Prison is. The guards there are definitely not weak. It is impossible for the Long Family to use a large number of experts to rescue them. Focus on guarding Zhengming, and if you want to rescue him, unless you have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the ground!"

"What? Qincheng Prison? Then what should we do? We must find a way to rescue Zhengming! Can't we intercept them on the road? Doesn't the Long family have a lot of power available overseas? And those reformers!" Zhao Zhengyang almost jumped up.

"The ones who escorted Zhao Zhengming back this time are obviously from the government, but in fact they were all arranged by the Zhuo family. There are also many experts from the Zhuo family defending outside the perimeter. It is simply impossible to break through and save people. The slightest movement of our people will be discovered by them, and it will be difficult to successfully save people!" Long Xiangtian shook his head and explained.

"Then what should we do? Can we just watch Zhengming being sent to Qincheng Prison by them? At that time, let alone no one can be rescued, even the secrets of our two families will be revealed by him!" Zhao Zhengyang These words already meant to remind Long Xiangtian, and it could also be said to be a threat.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Long Xiangtian's eyes, but it was fleeting.

"Zhengyang. I can understand your mood. But I hope you can calm down. If possible, I don't want Zhengming to be caught by them, but I want to rescue him! But you know, there are almost no It's possible!" Long Xiangtian explained helplessly.

"Then what do you mean by calling me here today?" Zhao Zhengming asked with an ugly face.Although he has many cousins, this is the only younger brother!How could he just watch his own brother being sent to Qincheng Prison?

Long Xiangtian was silent for a moment, and suddenly said lightly: "It is impossible to save him! But I have another method, which can temporarily relieve the crisis between our two families!"

Zhao Zhengyang couldn't help but ask, "What method?"

"Make Zhengming shut up forever!" Long Xiangtian was silent again for a moment, then suddenly said in a deep voice.

To Zhao Zhengyang's ears, these words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.He looked at Long Xiangtian in disbelief, he didn't expect that this guy came to him today with the purpose of killing his own brother!

" is this possible? He is my brother, my own brother!" Zhao Zhengyang shouted excitedly.

Long Xiangtian said helplessly: "Zhengyang, calm down. Zhengming will definitely not be rescued! And the longer the time passes, the more secrets of our two families will be exposed. You, who was almost sentenced to death Between the rise and fall of your younger brother and the whole family, you have to make a choice. I won't force you, you choose yourself!"

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