super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3277 Move 2

In fact, in the eyes of a big family with assets worth trillions, 100 billion US dollars is really a drop in the bucket and inconspicuous.Even if it is thrown into the sea, there will not be too much wind and waves.

"That's right! This family is very famous, I think you must know it. Do you know who is behind Geely's acquisition of Volvo?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

Shen Jiayi pondered for a while, then widened her eyes, and asked in surprise, "That Ryan is the heir of the Rothschild family."

"That's right! His full name is Ryan Rothschild!" Zhuo Yifan laughed.

"How do you know him? You actually know the heir of Rothschild!" Shen Jiayi asked in surprise.

"Hehe! We met by accident when we went to Europe this time! As long as the Rothschild family can give us funds, do you think Tianyuan Group is still a problem?" Zhuo Yifan explained casually.He is still a little guilty now, and he doesn't want to involve Doreen.

"You always do something that surprises us! As long as they are willing to spend money, it is only a matter of time before Tianyuan Group is defeated. But the key is, will they agree to cooperate with you?" Where.But such a large and mysterious family is not so easy to talk and communicate with.Whether it will be successful or not makes her very worried.

"In order to dispel your worries, I will make another preparation!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Who else are you going to find?" Shen Jiayi almost fainted.Zhuo Yifan's move was too big.It directly brought out the most mysterious and rich family in the world.

"The Morgan consortium on the other side of the ocean! How about it?" Zhuo Yifan asked back.

"Morgan consortium? Isn't that the consortium of the United States? If you don't die in Europe this time, how come you have something to do with the United States?" Shen Jiayi asked with wide-eyed eyes.

It is true that Doreen's mother is from the Morgan consortium, but Doreen himself and his father are all British.Zhuo Yifan's relationship with the Morgan consortium this time was also accidental.

"You don't need to ask more about this. In short, I have a way to bring in the Morgan consortium! With the help of the Rothschild and Morgan families behind the scenes, do you think Tianyuan Group has any hope of victory?" Zhuo Yifan laughed.He now regards Tianyuan Group as a bug!Wouldn't it be ridiculous for Long Xiangtian to actually want to beat himself in business.How much more than money?You use the resources of the Long family, but Lao Tzu does not use the resources of the Zhuo family.As long as external forces consume your Long family's assets, what capital does the Long family have to show off in front of the Zhuo family?

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan's cell phone rang again.It was Ryan who called.Zhuo Yifan thought he would have to wait a little longer, but he didn't expect this guy to call so soon.

After connecting the phone, Zhuo Yifan asked bluntly, "How's it going?"

"Zhuo... I have to admit that you are lucky. Grandpa agreed without even thinking about it! I don't understand why?" Ryan said a little depressed.

"Isn't that good? You don't need to understand the old man's thoughts, they naturally have their own plans in their hearts. You know, in China, the Zhuo family and the Long family can fall into your grandfather's eyes! Which side do you think your grandpa will stand on?" Zhuo Yifan laughed.

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