super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3610 Rescue 5

"If you knew what Han Zhenyuan did with the family that instructed him to do things, you wouldn't say that! Such a person, it's not a pity to die!" Zhuo Yifan didn't expect this girl to be so stubborn, and couldn't help but smiled wryly. .

Liu Zilan frowned thoughtfully, as if trying to figure out the meaning of Zhuo Yifan's words.

"Don't be dazed! You should know how to get to Da Chung Kou Village in Sai Kung, right? Lead the way in front of the car. Let's follow behind!" Zhuo Yifan said, and took the lead in his car.

Only then did Liu Zilan regain her senses, got into her Ferrari without saying a word, started the car, and began to lead the way.

Half an hour later, the two cars of Liu Zilan and Zhuo Yifan stopped at the intersection in Tai Chung Kou Village, Sai Kung.

The four got out of the car one by one, and then gathered together.

"This village is neither big nor small. And it's hard to find it at night. Do you have any accurate information?" Liu Zilan first looked at Da Chung Kou Village, where there were only a few scattered lights. Then he asked Zhuo Yifan.

"The child is locked in a flying warehouse. This should be easier to find. Let's split up. You are with my girlfriend, remember not to be alone! My brother-in-law and I will find a direction separately!" Zhuo Yifan looked Seeing that Da Chung Kou Village is not that big, he said confidently.

"Okay!" Liu Zilan immediately nodded in agreement.Immediately, the four of them divided into three groups, starting from the east of the village, and searched in three directions: east, west, east, and west.

Da Chung Kou Village is not that big, with just over 100 households.And there are very few factories here. It can be said that it is relatively simple to find an abandoned warehouse.

Zhuo Yifan searched around the south of the village, and found that it was basically residential buildings, and there were no houses that could be used as warehouses at all, so he rushed to the west.And Xie Dongting didn't find anything either.Because the north of the village is all wasteland, there is no value to search for at all.The last four reunited on a small road west of the village.

"There are no factories in the north or south, let alone warehouses. It seems that they are probably in this direction! Be careful, the other party has sent a few guards, don't disturb them!" Zhuo Yifan looked at the darkness not far away. The building without lights spoke softly to several people.

Immediately, the four of them took advantage of the darkness and sneaked into the building.

Not far into this area, Zhuo Yifan and the others found a small pharmaceutical factory.The factory building and the administrative building can be vaguely identified, but there are no lights or figures. The scene is quiet, as if it has been abandoned for a long time.

"Could it be here? There isn't even a light, so could they be here?" Liu Zilan looked at the pharmaceutical factory and asked softly with some uncertainty.

"Just go in and have a look! You can't see anything from the outside, and you won't know if there is anyone inside until you go in!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled disapprovingly.Because it was too quiet, his keen ears had already detected the movements in the pharmaceutical factory very quickly.After all, with several guards and ten children, it is impossible not to make a sound.

Before Liu Zilan could express his opinion, Zhuo Yifan had already taken the lead towards the pharmaceutical factory.The door of the pharmaceutical factory was locked tightly, but this was nothing to Zhuo Yifan.As soon as he reached the gate, Zhuo Yifan threw himself into the factory yard.I looked around and found that there was no one there.

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