super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3626 Stalemate 2

Zhuo Yifan and Qingyan hurried to the side of the group of soldiers, and found that several soldiers were digging an area with engineering shovels, and a large piece of military canvas that had been covered under the soil and weeds was exposed.Through the damaged green canvas, Zhuo Yifan saw the silver steel plate underneath at a glance, and his eyes brightened.

"How did you find out?" Zhuo Yifan hurriedly asked.

"The concealment technique is not very good. There is only a layer of mud and shrubs on the surface. When I stepped here just now, I found the problem! Then I quickly asked someone to dig it with an engineer shovel, and I found something underneath!" A team leader Quickly explained aloud.

"Very good! Can you tell how thick this steel plate is?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a satisfied nod.

"Probably more than ten centimeters. I don't know what it is for! I suspect that there should be something under the steel plate, or the base we are looking for may be below!" the captain guessed.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.This is not the first time he has experienced steel plates with a thickness of more than ten centimeters.This situation has already been encountered in the underground base in Europe.Is the other party still using this routine?But according to what the captain said, if this is an underground base, then what is it that was discovered at Xie Dongting's side?Are there two underground bases?

"Is there any instrument that can detect the situation underground?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a frown.

"This steel plate is too thick, and ordinary instruments can't detect it. If there is really a space below, unless we can find the entrance." The captain said quickly.

"Dig...Look what's under here!" After Zhuo Yifan finished speaking, he gave the order to continue digging.Then he summoned the communicator and called Xie Dongting.

After Xie Dongting heard about Zhuo Yifan's situation, he was also very surprised, and quickly arranged for people to follow Zhuo Yifan's example and search the ground like a carpet.Sure enough, it didn't take long to find an identical area.The soil is lowered, and it is also the kind of steel plate with a thickness of more than ten centimeters.

After Zhuo Yifan got the news, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.It seems that things are not as simple as I thought.If the opponent has more than two bases here, it will be more troublesome to find them!But if there is only one base, then how to explain these steel plates?What are those mysterious objects that disappeared?

He had a guess, whether those mysterious objects that created traces on the ground returned under these steel plates, so he and others could not find the shadow of that thing!The mysterious trace will be interrupted suddenly.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yifan became even more worried.If the underground here is really a space, or a base, what about Xie Dongting?If these two places are each other's bases, what kind of connection exists between them?Take care of each other, independent division of labor?In other words, these two bases are originally a whole together.Assuming that there really is such a large underground base in Lantau Island, its scale would be comparable to those of the underground fortifications in the capital, or even worse!

"Report, found the situation!" When Zhuo Yifan was frowning and thinking, the soldier beside him suddenly shouted.

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