super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3641 Countermeasures 3

"..." Xie Dongting was speechless for a while.He didn't dare to make a guarantee.Moreover, Zhuo Yifan actually saw the laser cannon in this underground base. I believe Zhuo Yifan couldn't be fooling around or bluffing people!

"Quickly figure out what this thing is! Then figure out its weakness!" Zhuo Yifan said again to Xie Dongting.

"Okay! I'll contact my family right away!" Xie Dongting nodded quickly, then called the communication soldier, and called the capital.

Xie Dongting's phone call lasted for half an hour.During the period, Zhuo Yifan was also asked what kind of laser cannon he saw below.The result surprised everyone present.

This nuclear magnetic laser cannon is simply an unheard of weaponry!The nuclear magnetic gun is currently only a concept, and although the laser cannon has been developed, it is still in the experimental stage.The most widely used laser is still a laser gun!But what exactly is this nuclear magnetic plus laser cannon, and how it was developed, is unknown!

According to the blue beam of light described by Zhuo Yifan, coupled with the fleeting speed, the weapon experts in the capital immediately responded: It does have the characteristics of a laser!But whether there is a nuclear magnetic component, this cannot be judged.Because NMR is invisible to the naked eye!Moreover, the rate of fire of the laser is too fast, and the range is astonishingly far. It can strike a target 1 kilometers away within [-] minute.If the opponent is really using a laser cannon, then they can use it freely in the underground base, which is actually no different from demolishing their own base!

"No...the lasers they emit can control the range and range. And they are very precise." Zhuo Yifan said with certainty.

This news silenced the experts in the capital again.Of course, that was silence on the phone.But at the scene of experts in the capital, the pot has already exploded!The news that Zhuo Yifan fed back almost drove a group of them who had been engaged in military research all their lives almost crazy!

A laser cannon with precise control of range and range!And it can be controlled within one kilometer off!This is something they can't even think about now.

"Is there any weakness in this thing?" Zhuo Yifan asked with narrowed eyes.

The expert then gave this answer: laser cannon, the destructive power of this weapon is very powerful.But at the same time, his emission source, that is, the carrier that launches the laser cannon, has sufficient anti-laser capability.Otherwise, after one or two launches, that thing will basically be scrapped!Moreover, after a general laser cannon is fired once, it needs to be cooled for a certain period of time, and it cannot be fired continuously for a long time!Otherwise, the device itself may not be able to withstand the backlash damage caused by the laser, and will eventually explode!

This explanation made Zhuo Yifan's eyes suddenly brighten, and he couldn't help asking: "Then can you be sure that the laser cannon the opponent is using now has the same nature?"

But the answer given by experts is not sure.After all, the nuclear magnetic laser cannon described by Zhuo Yifan has surpassed these experts' understanding of laser cannons.They have no way of judging!

This made Zhuo Yifan's heart, which had just been active a little bit, suddenly sank again.

After finishing the call with the experts, everyone at the scene fell into a brief silence.Everyone's heart felt a little heavy.Unexpectedly, besides those perverted genetic warriors, the other party also has such terrifying high-tech weapons, which makes the group of people who were originally fighting high feel that they have nowhere to focus.

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