"Be careful under your feet, if you suddenly step into the air, you will fall!" Ryan reminded at this time.They have already guessed that the steel plate under their feet is movable, so there is no guarantee that this will not happen.

"It's better to fall, so you don't have to find the entrance!" Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly.

"Then how did you come out?" Ryan rolled his eyes and asked back.

"Kill all the people below, and then you can come out!" Zhuo Yifan said coldly, but the red light in his eyes flickered again.

Both Ryan and Qingyan thought that their eyes were hallucinating, because the red light just flashed by and then disappeared quickly.

"What's the matter?" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help asking as the two of them stared at him in surprise.

"No...it's nothing! I'm dazzled!" Ryan explained without thinking.

"Don't be suspicious. See if there are any valuable clues around!" Zhuo Yifan finished speaking angrily, and then looked around on his own.

"There is a situation!" Suddenly, in Zhuo Yifan's ear, came the angel's loud reminder.

"What's the situation?" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help asking quickly.

"There is movement in the passage opposite you! Someone has come out!" the angel quickly reminded.

At this time, Zhuo Yifan and the other three also felt it, needless to say the angel.The people in the opposite passage were only less than 1000 meters away from them.And the number is nearly a hundred!

"Where did these guys come from?" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"You go that way, and I adjusted the clairvoyance to your opposite passage. But the distance is relatively far, and I couldn't see the situation there! I don't know how they came out! You quickly retreat to the T-junction!" Angel Some depressingly explained.

"Withdraw!" Zhuo Yifan said lightly to Qingyan and Ryan, and then the figure flashed and shot towards the T-junction.

The three of Zhuo Yifan were fast, and those genetic fighters were not slow either.The three of them had just turned into the original passage, and hundreds of genetic warriors from the other direction had already felt the center of the intersection.It seemed that they were about to catch up with Zhuo Yifan and the other three.

"Hehe... Do you still want to run this time?" The man's voice rang in the ears of the three of them again.

Zhuo Yifan and the three couldn't help but feel their hearts sink when they heard this.Then, the expected thing happened again.The three of them were about to go back the way they came, but they found that there was an extra wall of steel in front of them!It wasn't in the position just now, but the situation just now was exactly the same!How many similar institutions are there?

The three cursed secretly in their hearts at the same time, but they all felt helpless.

At this time, even if Zhuo Yifan and Qingyan wanted to use their skills to penetrate the steel plate, they didn't have that time, because the more than 100 genetic soldiers who were chasing after them would not give them that time.

Seeing this, Qingyan took out a metal bomb without saying a word, and after turning on the detonator, she threw it towards the group of genetic soldiers.For things that can be solved with weapons, it is better to save energy as much as possible.Who knows how many guys are still behind?

A deafening bang, accompanied by a huge scorching wave, suddenly swept through the entire passage.The power of this explosion can be seen.At the center of the explosion, a charred corpse had already fallen.But only part of it.More than [-] people died, to those genetic warriors, it was nothing at all.They are like machines without emotion, they don't know fear, they don't know caring, they just have indifference and bloodthirsty carnage.

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