super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3671 Long family technology 4

"Have you noticed?" Long Xiangtian asked lightly.

"No! I was afraid that they would find out, so I didn't continue to follow up and came back to report to you!" The young man shook his head and explained.

"Very good! You can go down now! In addition, Zhuo Yifan often goes to a few places where he may go. Let me watch closely. Once you find him, report to me immediately!" Long Xiangtian nodded in satisfaction, said reminded.

"Good young master!" The young man agreed, then turned around and prepared to leave the villa.

"Wait..." At this moment, Long Xiangtian called out to him again, then turned his gaze to the young man, and continued, "The one from the north, has he appeared yet?"

"Not yet!" The young man couldn't help but change his face when he heard the words, and after being stunned for a while, he quickly nodded and replied.I have asked myself six times this afternoon.How important is it to find him urgently?

"If you see him, give me a message right away. And tell him to come see me as soon as possible!" Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Long Xiangtian's eyes, and he ordered again with a gloomy face.

"Understood!" The young man hurriedly agreed, and then exited the villa again.

Long Xiangtian took a deep breath, and turned off the TV with the remote control, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured, "Are you playing tricks on me?"

At this moment, a man's laughter suddenly echoed in the living room.

As soon as Long Xiangtian's expression changed, he saw a figure of a man appearing in front of the TV.The whole body is black.His head was also covered by a black cloth, only his eyes, nostrils and mouth were exposed. It was the mysterious man he had seen in Hong Kong.

"Are you worried?" the mysterious man asked with a chuckle.

After Long Xiangtian was surprised, his complexion darkened in an instant, and he couldn't help snorting coldly: "Hmph! What am I worried about? You left Hong Kong without a word, and you didn't contact me after you got it. What do you mean?"

"Hehe...don't worry!" The mysterious man chuckled, and took off the black hood on his face casually.Seeing the real face of this man, Zhuo Yifan would definitely be able to recognize him.This guy was the Huo Qiling he was looking for earlier.

"Where's the stuff?" Long Xiangtian didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he asked bluntly.

"Things?" Huo Qiling hesitated for a while when he heard the words, and then said with a chuckle: "Of course I have to put it in a safer place. Otherwise, it would be bad if people found it!"

"Do you take me for a fool?" Long Xiangtian snorted coldly, "Is there any place that would be safer than putting it on your body?"

"Hehe...Master Long. Actually, I think it's better for us to go back to the way we were before and talk properly!" Huo Qiling shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, and said.

When Long Xiangtian heard this, he frowned.After being silent for a while, he said slowly, "Give me the things! I owe you a favor this time!"

Huo Qiling couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard this.

"What are you laughing at?" Long Xiangtian frowned even deeper.

"Could it be that Master Long is so forgetful? You won't forget what you promised me in Hong Kong last night, right? We agreed, we each take what we need. I don't want your favor very much. I just want what I want." things!" Huo Qiling's complexion also sank, and he said in a serious tone.

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