super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3694 Grandpa and grandson talk Chapter 4

"Could it be that there are three of us left, and the focus of research is not on this?" Zhuo Yifan guessed something when he heard the words, and asked helplessly.

"The Duan family doesn't have much contact with them, and they have always been relatively low-key. These years, they have been in the Southwest. We don't know how well they have developed and what strength they have. But the Duan family is based on Taoism, medicine and poison. And famous! So the focus of their development is nothing more than medicine and poison. I think there is a chance, and it is time to arrange for you to go to the southwest!" Zhuo Aotian explained again.

"Medical skills and poison skills? It doesn't have much effect on those terrifying weapons of the Long family. Even if you have the art of returning to heaven, it will be of no use if they beat you into scum!" Zhuo Yifan was a little speechless Said.

"What the Xia family focuses on is energy technology. This is also the main pillar of the Xia family's economy. Only by mastering the resources can we have the right to speak and take the initiative!" Zhuo Aotian didn't pick up Zhuo Yifan's words, but continued. .

"What about our Zhuo family?" Zhuo Yifan asked quickly.This is what he cares most about.

"Our Zhuo family is not keen on these so-called science and technology. All along, what we are passionate about is the pursuit of the way of heaven and the realm! Personal strength is what our Zhuo family values ​​most, not those external factors. Actually In fact, those so-called scientific and technological weapons, energy sources, including the art of medicine and poison, are all based on strength! People with real strength can have all of these! You have to be sure that their achievements today are based on For your future, just make a wedding dress!" Zhuo Aotian said confidently.

"..." Zhuo Yifan was a little speechless.How does this sound the same as letting yourself be a bandit?Isn't it obvious that we need to rely on brute force to seize?

"Do you think the things you snatched can't prove your strength?" Zhuo Aotian asked Zhuo Aotian when he saw Zhuo Yifan bowed his head and remained silent.

"I just feel that doing this runs counter to my original idea!" Zhuo Yifan explained dumbfounded.

"There is a way to rob. It doesn't mean that you are like a rogue to plunder. It is in the process of constantly fighting the enemy, consuming the enemy and strengthening yourself at the same time! Because your opponent is not unfettered People with the power of chicken. They will not stand there stupidly, waiting for you to snatch them! To be honest, if you can snatch their things, that is your ability. I am afraid that you can’t do it Click!" Zhuo Aotian said with a smile.

"Grandpa means... let me help X get those science and technology?" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but wondered when he heard the words.

"That's for sure. But the question is how to do it? Once he asked your father to send me a message, hoping to get the Zhuo family to help him get those things. I didn't agree at that time!" Zhuo Aotian He nodded, then shook his head and said.

"Why?" Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise.

"Because the time is not yet ripe. The Long family's research on weapon technology has only started in the past two decades. Being able to achieve such a major breakthrough is also the biggest reason why the remaining three companies feel the pressure. However, they have been very careful , lest we find a chance to attack us, secretly engage in secret research work, avoiding our eyeliner and tracking! This is why they have so many secret bases all over the world. That is the result of their struggle in recent years, is The capital they are proud of. They think that when the vitality of this planet is getting thinner and thinner, it is more direct and faster to use these cutting-edge technological weapons to achieve the goal of dominating the world through blind cultivation!" Zhuo Aotian explained helplessly.

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